Chapter 18: Build god, then we'll talk

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Damn it. Stop checking your phone Amelia! If he hasn't called or texted by now, it's probably not going to happen anytime soon.

I've told myself this about twenty times already, but I can't seem to listen to my own advice. After leaving Alex's place yesturday, he hasn't tried to contact me. This is unusual since he sends me a meme or good morning text everyday.

If something major hadn't happened yesturday, like the kiss, I would have sent him a funny "Are you alive?" message. Wait, what if something did happen to him? What if he somehow got injured and is currently lying in a hospital bed? I'm sure I'm just overreacting, but the thought is now stuck in my head.

I'll just send him a simple text. No matter what, our friendship comes first.

Last night I thought about everything and decided that if he regrets what happened, I will understand and we will remain just friends. I might consume an abundance of chocolate and jelly beans afterwards, but I will carry on and be an adult. Even if it sucks.

Damn, it's only nine in the morning and I'm getting a headache from dwelling over Alex.

I take my phone out one last time from my pocket and send him a quick "hello" text message. I'll just focus on work for the rest of the day and keep busy. It's slow right now with four customers sipping coffee at a booth, but hopefully it will pick up and serve as a good distraction.

"Amelia, there you are!" I see Ben exiting from his back office. I hadn't seen him personally when I first arrived at work, but I remember seeing his truck parked outside. He had a note that said "Busy, do not disturb" on his office door, but my mind was on something else so I didn't pay it much thought.

"Where else would I be?" I jest and finish setting up the breakfast display on the front counter which consists of various granola bars and muffins.

"So, I have great news. I hired another employee to work part-time and he starts today. I just finished interviewing him and I think he will make a great fit. Do you mind showing him the ropes? I have to finish getting the paperwork together and then I'm going to rush order several supplies that we need."

"Yeah, no problem. Also, your shirt is great and I completely agree." I point at his black T-shirt that says "a fun thing to do in the morning is not talk to me".

"Thanks, my Sarah bought it for me as a birthday gift. You know, I might be 45 but I'm still "hip". Wait, do teenagers still say that?" Ben asks as he pretends to pose like a model by placing his hand on his waist.

"I'm pretty sure they do not say that. Sorry."

"Oh! I think they say cool beans now." He snaps his fingers as if a light bulb just went off over his head.

"Stop while you're ahead." I laugh. I hope the new employee will understand our weird and crazy humor. Only six people work here so we have all gotten to know each other pretty well. Adding someone you've never met is strange at first.

"Fine but I'm still cool. Agreed?"

"Whatever you say boss." I start to laugh but stop almost instantly when I recognize a familiar figure step up besides Ben.

What the fuck is he doing here? I must be dreaming or some shit. This makes absolutely no sense. I feel like I'm in an episode of the twilight zone.

"Oh, here he is! Amelia, this our new employee. His name is Stephen and he also attends U of H."

"Hello again." Stephen gives me a smile that would seem sincere to anyone who doesn't know him, but I don't trust it for one minute.

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