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"dayoung," jinah said one day when dayoung and her boyfriend were in the living room.

"what?" dayoung sounded pissed.

"here's your suitcase," jinah kicked dayoung's suitcase into the living room, her arms crossed over her chest. "i want you to move out,"

"what the fuck-"

"not a word, dayoung. i want you to get out my apartment. don't even worry about paying rent, not that you ever did once this flea bag came here,"

dayoung got up from the sofa and stomped over to jinah. she slapped the girl. jinah didn't budge. dayoung was huffing angrily as jinah's cheek stung. jinah didn't punch back; she didn't do anything. she simply looked out at suitcase and back at dayoung.

"i told you to get out," jinah said.

"you can't-"

"i told you to get out," jinah repeated.

dayoung blinked furiously. she turned, grabbed her suitcase, and stomped to her room to pack. jinah let out a sigh and looked back at the sofa where dayoung's boyfriend sat, his eyes wide as he stared at jinah.

"you need to get out too," jinah pointed at the door.

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