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jinah and mingyu spent most of their time with wonwoo. jinah wanted to move out from her apartment, but she also just wanted to kick dayoung out since it was her apartment to begin with. however, that was a problem for another day. they first had to get wonwoo to be happy again.

wonwoo tried to kill himself one day while he was taking a shower. he took one of the blades from his razor and tried to cut himself, but mingyu knocked down the door before he could even try. the bathroom door was still broken.

"wonwoo, you need to understand that nothing was your fault," jinah spoke calmly to him.

"yes it was! she cheated on me because i wasn't good enough. i never was good enough," wonwoo's voice quieted down to a whisper.

"you are good enough, wonwoo. you're better than just good enough," jinah reasoned out.

wonwoo shook his head. he ignored her from there. mingyu, who was in the kitchen making food for the three of them, went to the living room where jinah and wonwoo were. he placed the food down and left the living room, jinah excusing herself after mingyu left so abruptly. she went back into the kitchen to see mingyu huddled in the corner crying.

"mingyu, baby," jinah cooed.

"jinah, i don't know what to do," he gasped out. "i'm so scared i'm going to lose my best friend,"

jinah approached mingyu and rubbed his back as he reached out to hug her.

"it'll be alright, mingyu. don't worry,"

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