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wonwoo locked himself in his apartment. mingyu and jinah were worried for him because he never was this upset. they were so used to seeing his smile when he was around dayoung that this was unnatural for them; this was weird for them.

"wonwoo, please, answer the door," jinah called through the apartment door.

wonwoo didn't answer. mingyu was so close to knocking the door down, but jinah held him back. he started banging on the door with his fist and yelling for wonwoo to get out and talk to them, but wonwoo still stayed inside.

"wonwoo," jinah said. "it wasn't your fault. please don't be upset,"

there was a moment of silence before jinah stepped away from the door. she and mingyu were about to leave, but the door suddenly opened. they turned around to see wonwoo. he looked miserable; his cheeks were sunken in and his hair was disheveled. the bags under his eyes were large and dark, and mingyu couldn't help but get upset. his best friend was suffering, and nothing was helping.

"wonwoo," mingyu whispered. "it wasn't your fault."

"yes, it was," wonwoo said in a quiet tone, his voice cracking.

he stood at the doorway, his shoulders slumped. mingyu felt so helpless in front of wonwoo; he felt miserable. he couldn't even imagine how wonwoo felt if he felt this bad. jinah hesitantly approached wonwoo and rubbed his arm, a slight frown on her face.

"wonwoo, don't say that," she whispered.

"jinah, everything was my fault," wonwoo sniffled.

jinah hugged him, and wonwoo started crying. he hugged her tightly and cried in her arms like a baby. mingyu felt like punching a wall. it definitely wasn't wonwoo's fault; it was dayoung's fault. mingyu took off running as jinah was left to comfort the crying boy in her arms.

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