Chapter 29

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It was quiet. Once every few minutes cell 213 three doors down would start yelling some incoherent shit but none of the nurses or doctors would bother with him till morning. Noone had the energy. I was laying on the floor my eyes trained on the light penetrating from underneath my door. I couldn't tell the time, there was no window. Only a tiny grill at the very top of the wall that let in air and some light. The  artificial light that came from the in built ceiling bulbs had just been turned off meaning it was nine thirty. I waited a few minutes before getting up. It would take some effort but,  I needed the filament from that tube that carried the bulb.

The good thing about a padded wall was that it had better grip than a regular one. I stand on the bed and jump latching onto one of the grooves. I lift my leg and climb. It's not easy but I'd been rock climbing for fun with Jamie before coming to this shit hole. I start sweating from the effort it takes to hold onto the material by my third lift. I stretch my hand and grab the grill on the top of the wall .I let go and it hurts to support my full weight on one hand after not working out for so long and losing muscle weight while in here. I can't hold on for long so I reach out to the tube in the ceiling with my free arm my leg braced on the wall to ease the ache.

Fuck. I can't reach it. I try again but it's too far away for me to reach. Fuck. I hear footsteps approach and I ease myself down sliding on the wall before jumping back to bed. I get in the blanket fast. I can see the guard from the clear opening on the grill with my eyes half open. He walks away after peeping. I need to figure out something else fast.

I needed a bulb but all the bulbs in this place were designed to be in the ceiling. The last thing I needed was to waste time looking for one.

I take in a deep breath to calm myself. I can do this. I get up to lay on the floor close to the door. I wait for a while. It seems like forever but then I hear it. The chatter of the new guards. It's midnight. They have to go round to check all cells are locked before they switch. I get up and fold my blanket in the shape of a body and place it stategically on the bed and grab the bottom paper folding itq and tucking them into the drawstring on my pants. I hold the neatly sliced pieces of crayon in my hand. My nail hurt from doing that earlier.

I crouch below the door at the only blindspot considering the high opening there. I hear the turning of the doors and start to count. 101, 102....200, 211,212,213.. I have five seconds now, I  . 1. 2. 3. 4.

The guard reaches my cell. He peeps as expected before putting the key in the keyhole. I silently lift my hand with the pieces of crayon in with one of the larger pieces rolled in a piece of paper i tore from the ones I had. I'd studied the locks used by this building, though strong, they were ancient.They had never been changed. He unlocks the door and I quickly place it on the locks keyhole. He freezes and I hold my breath not moving. I see his shadow angle his head towards the bed . He doesn't move for a few seconds I don't even breath. He sighs and turns the lock.

I close my eyes in relief. I don't want this to get messy. Not yet. He walks away and I continue counting. I hear him climb the stairs and I kneel now careful not to let the end of paper I'm holding go. Carefully I pull it back slowly the crayon acting as a lubricant and the lock clicks. It worked. I sigh in relief.

I listen carefully. Nothing. I take off my shirt and tuck it in my pants. It's my only weapon, just in case. I take the other pieces of crayon and rub them on the hinges. When the crayon is over I  kneel once more and put my hand on the tiny space under the door. There are no handles or knobs on the inside due to the self harm risk. I pull and it opens soundlessly with a low creak. I take the second piece of paper and crayon I'd rolled and pull the door closed before placing it carefully there.  I peep and I can hear the guards laughing somewhere. I need to be careful.

I walk crouched to the fire exit on the left. I spot a guard and align myself with the shadows I hear them get closer and I remove the shirt ready for a fight but they pass me. I wait till their footsteps get further before i keep moving.

I take out the paper I'd hidden and look at it. I need to get to the underground level. I go down the fire exit silently and take a right. There are two guards per floor the others stationed outside. I have no business with outside for now though so it doesn't worry me. I make a right and i'm at the door that leads underground. I turn it's handle and it opens with a loud creak. I hurry in closing it before anyone who heard it can figure out where it came from. I take off my pants and remove the shirt I'd tucked in because of the dirt I may come into contact with.

I don't need anyone noticing it on my clothes. I fold them and carry them as I walk into the dark area. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust but when they do I can see I'm in the right place. I look at the paper and walk straining my eyes to read the numbers on the large cans here. I go straight for a while but I move faster now that my eyes are accustomed to the dark.

My eye caught one with a large hazard sign  and behind some mesh. Jackpot.

The mesh is rusted and old so one rough tug and it's latch gives way. I turn the wheel on it till I hear the pressure increase. I back off and curse when I step on something sharp that pierces my foot. Glass. I look up and see a regular celing bulb that's shattered. Just my luck. I take out the glass from my foot and wipe the blood off the small pieces with the paper. Never leave any trace behind. Thay's a lesson i learned the hard way.

I stand on the next boiler can and unscrew the bulb. It's filament is burnt so it's of no use. I remove the wire that connects the bulb and pull it out. I tear a piece of each using my teeth and put it back as I found it. Only shorter. I hear the door open and I climb down silently and crouch behind a large pipe. I hear footsteps approach and I lift my things from where they were perched. I crouch going round the pipes. I see a guard and he walks to where I was. I can't wait for him to leave because going back up will take longer than coming down and I'm almost out of time. I hear his foot crunch the glass . He turns in my direction.

'Marcus, get up here your missing the game.' His radio . He clicks on it as he turns around,' Yeah, I'm coming. What's the score.'

'Two to one.'

'Shit.' He says walking back out. I follow him and keep to the shadows as he walks out. He pulls the door open with a loud creak and as he walks out I poke my finger out to stop it from shutting. I'd rather the pain than the noise. I grimace as it slams into my finger but i check if there's anyone in sight and there isn't the guard already halfway up. I get out quickly and bolt up the steps. They all seem preoccupied with whatever game in their break room and I have an easier time getting to my floor. I crouch past the cells and get to my door. I pull the handle from the outside and the door opens and i step into my cell. I remove the hair pin in my long hair that I lifted from the good doctor when I caressed her hair and turn the lock as quietly as I can. It locks into place and I sigh.
Tick tock

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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