chapter seventeen...

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The drive to the clinic was uncomfortable for me. He held my hand in his the whole way as he mentioned how he had plans to move me in with him and build a nursery from scratch. He was so excited and for a second I forgot that he had killed four people and was willing to do it again this morning to Matty. I smiled whenever he looked my way and pretty much spaced out through his monologue. I was relieved to say the least when we got to his clinic of choice.

“Mr. Ross, its good to see you its been a while” a sturdy old man in his fifties greeted enthusiastically as Jason ushered me into an examination room.

“Good to see you too Michael, this is Keira, the love of my life and the mother of my baby” he said full of pride a bright smile on his face.He actually looked normal. His hand was squeezing mine as I just let him hold it not attempting to wrap my fingers around his.

“Pleasure dear, lie down right there and we can get started” I meekly obliged as I gave the doctor a short smile. He lifted my top and spread some cold goo on my slightly buldging tummy.

“ You’re around twelve weeks so we can expect the delivery date to be around early next year, lets see, January fifth if I’m right” He moved the machine in his hand a bit and when I heard it. The most precious sound I had ever heard. My baby’s heartbeat. At that moment I felt all the tension in me leave me and a stray tear fell from my eye. I didn’t even care that the man clenching my hand to his was probably crazy and should be locked up. All I knew is that I would protect my baby from him and anyone that tried to harm him or her with all that I’ve got.

“Is it a boy or a girl?” his voice brought me out of my moment and back into the harsh reality. If only it were Matty here instead of him.

“ Well..........  its a girl”

I was going to have a girl! A little princess I could spoil and Matty would spoil even more. This meant that I owe Matty fifty bucks.. He swore we were having a girl and I thought we were having a boy.. I felt a slight  pang of guilt because I considered Matty my babys father instead of the man sitting next to me shedding a tear of joy as he held my hand in his.. The doctor gave me some paper  towels to wipe off the goo as he took out two photos of the sonogram of my baby. I wiped it off  as Jason took them both and gave one to me.

“Jason why don’t you go and pick up some prenatal vitamins and her prescription at the pharmacy as I examine her a little further.

He stood up reluctantly and gave me a kiss on the mouth before going out of the room. Doctor Michael walked over to me and lifted my shirt slightly as he pointed a finger at my bruise which although didn’t hurt, was a nasty purple.

“ I know Jason, I’ve known him  since he was five, he , he’s  different ,he’s  always been an angry kid.If he’s hurting you, you need to let someone know”

His eyes looked full of worry as he spoke darting back and forth from me to the door. He was scared but Something told me I could trust him.

“ He killed people. He scares me and I don’t know what to do, I’m honestly terrified of him. You have to help me” I whispered to Michael clutching his hands as he gave me a grave look on his . Tears were threatening to start pouring but I held it in

“You need to get away from him” he said looking to the door nervously”, for the sake of your daughter and your own, I ,  I can’t get involved because the last time I did it didn’t end well for me, Jamie find him. He can’t know I spoke to you about this. If he asks I just felt about your tummy for any irregularities” he said whispering a bead of perspiration forming on his forehead.

“Please I." 

Just then the door swung open and we both jerked up. Jason looked okay but his eyes narrowed at the doctors hands on my small bump. I gave him a shaky smile to reassure him that nothing was off.

“Well we’re all done here” Doctor Michael said in a cheery voice as he lowered my top again

“You’re next check up will be in four weeks, but don’t hesitate to stop by if you feel or even think something is wrong.. Jason has my number incase of anything, ” He said smiling his white moustache twitching as he laughed nervously.I caught the double meaning in his statement and smiled gently at him. Jason came up behind me and lifted me off the high bed his eyes darting to doctor Michael as he looked at me.. He kissed my forehead and led me out of the office to the reception

"Wait here I'll be right back. I need to ask Michael some questions about the baby. Move and I'll get mad, don't make me mad."I couldn't meet his eyes as he kissed my forehead. I watched him walk back to the office as I reached for my phone in my pocket.

Jason's POV

I opened the door to Michaels office my hands shaking in anger as I secured the gloves on my wrists. The nerve of the old man poking his nose where it didn't belong. I'M no idiot, Keira must think I'm a child who she can manipulate. She was lying through her teeth, she wasn't happy and she wasn't comfortable around me, hearing her talk to Michael only confirmed what was already obvious , I'd have to change that.The door creaked open to a startled Michael.He jumped up looking uneasy with my presence.I shut the door silently behind me not wanting any unneccessary attention.

"Jason, you startled me, did you forget something?"

"I'm going to give you five seconds to chose what I do to you. Option A, I  use this knife right here to cut you into little pieces " I said removing the knife from my pocket" and send the pieces to your  grandson as a bithday present for his tenth coming up" I took a step towards him as he took a step back his eyes full of sheer terror."Or option B, you jump out of that window  and I'll be the one to call an ambulance, if you live, well, I'll forget everything" He was now stumbling backwards with each step I took closer to him . He toppled over a tray of tools sending its contents all over the floor.

"Jason, I didn't mean to upset you. I-I promise I won't I won't tell anyone, I- I'll leave town, you'll never hear from me again"I stared at the knife in my hand admiring the glint it had in lthe ight of his wall to wall windows.

"Five, " "Jason, please" "Four" he backed up to the furthest corner of the room nowhere else to go

."Jason.  I didn't say anything!""Three" I stopped  a step from the old man"Jason , think this through, you already took my wife, from me, please"Two"

"Screw you. I'd rather be murdered than have my family think I killed myself" he spat venom in his voice."One" I took in a deep breath and lifted my eyes from the blade in my hands.Tilting my head to the side, I looked at the old man quivering before me. The familiar thrill of seeing fear in peoples eyes shot through me making me excited , but I can't have blood on me today. Not when Keira is outside waiting for me."The window it is" I grabbed the older man by his lab coat and clamped a hand over his mouth as he writhed to get away from me. Dragging him to the window, I slid it open peering down at the long drop. He wasn't going to make it.Not even a man in his prime could survive this let alone a man fast approaching his expiry date. I lifted the struggling man to meet my eyes his own wide with fear. God I loved this feeling."See you in hell Michael" I pushed him towards the window turning him around so it looked like he jumped but he held onto the sides of the window and i let him go for a split second before kicking him in the back to let go. He didn't even scream. I watched him flailing his hands in the air beofre I heard the sickening thud of his lifeless body on the concrete of the sidewalk before screams rented the air.I smiled satisfied and walked back discreetly to reception scanning the room for Keira. She's gone.. Now I'm pissed.

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