chapter two...

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The first few clients were, and it hurt me to say so, hopeless. Chris was right, they didn't have any case to buid on. They were on somebody's land illegaly and had built their homes on it yet they knew that that was not public land reserved for housing. I didn't know what to do to help them except give them addresses of affordable yet safe places that they could move to. No lawyer in their right mind would defend them. Their's was a losing side. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Ms. Knowles?"

"Yes, come in"

He was a man who looked about six foot two. He looked about late twenties or thirty at most and he was not shabby looking like the other people I had seen. He wore a navy suit that matched my dress perfectly,  the top button of the shirt was unbuttonned revealing a very clean shaven chest. His hair was dark with a few curls on it and it was tussled, like he had been runnung his fingers through it. He was handsome. Very handsome. He stood there looking at me as if waiting for something.

"Oh sorry , have a seat" i said pointing to the chair opposite mine . He had manners.

"Thank you"

I noticed he had straight white teeth. Damn. He was the whole package.

"How may I help you, Mr...."


"Mr.Ross. " I let that sink in for a bit before talking again

"As in Ross the owner of the land down at,"

"Westmore street  all the way down to Cheshire, that Mr.Ross"

well this made sense now

"I'm sorry you have the wrong office then, I only deal with consultations and analysis"

"No i'm actually where I need to be"

"I took a breath and sighed .

"How may I help you Mr. Ross?"

"I'm here to give the remainder of that land to its current occupants after construction of my warehouse is complete"

"Shouldn't you be talking to an actual lawyer?"

"Yes but I'm talking to you, aren't I?" a small smile played on his lips. Okay now I was confused. Very confused.

"You do consulting and I was hoping you could give advice me and find me the lawyer you say I should be talking to"

Well that made little sense to me. Didn't he have lots of cash. I mean he did own a lot of land and probably the company evacuating the people? Right? I swearr this job sometimes brought all sorts of people to me.

"Doesn't your company have a company lawyer to handle this?"

"He is temporarily incapacitated , I need someone to fill his spot , well until he's back on his feet. He had an accident."

"Oh I'm sorry. Umm well okay then. " I said biting my lower lip briefly. Seeing no point in trying to figure this out, I took in a small breath.

"Well i've read the files on your land and professionally , you're not on the wrong and you have every right to evacuate the people so that shouldn't be a problem for you or any lawyer."

"But?' he asked smiling

"Personally, you're going to make nearly fifty families homeless which I don't think is fair, cosidering from what I've gathered, were mislead into buying your land by some conmen realtors"

"So ?" a broad grin was now on his face. He seemed amused.

"As much as you don't have to, i think that you should at least either leave some land to them to rebuild or compensate them even if with a small amount, everything helps."

He then burst out laughing. A full blown bending over while clutching the stomach laugh.

"I'm not the grinch you know," He said as he regained his breath. I smiled felling genuinley warmed by his presence in my office. 

"I'll go with your option "

"Really?" Well taht was fast. Too fast.

"If , you go on a date with me" He was smiling. A warm smile that just drew you in to smile for no reason. There it is. The condition.


"You heard me, go on a date with me and I'll compensate all residents on my land. I'll even leave some for the elderly living on it, but you have to go on a date with me "

"I don't even know you"

"Thats what dates are for. Dont worry we can go to a public place a carnival even . Plenty of witnesses if I try to murder you if thats what you're worried about" His smile was still on his face and you could hear the humor in his voice.

He didnt seem like a murderer. Quite the exact opposite. He was hot and I hadnt been on a date in a while. He didnt say that it had to go well. Just a date, that would earn nearly fifty families money and land to rebuild their homes. He genuinley seemed like a great guy. To hell with it you only live once right?

"Fine , but i pick the place and i'm going to need this in writing"

"Done" he said lifting his right hand as if he was in court taking an oath.

I opened my drawer to remove a sheet of paper and and started writing down our little'contract' before turning it to face him.

He took the pen I handed him and signed it . All the while his face having that amused little smirk that was kind of hot. He put the pen down and looked up at me

"So what time do I pick you up?"

I know its short but dont worry i'm about to have a free day so it'll get  longer and jucier. I was writing this half asleep. Vote comment add to your library. Spread the word .

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