chapter six...

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Warning: sexual content coming up skip if you want to.

Sunday couldn't have come fast enough. Yes we texted each other and spoke on the phone but I wanted to see him. He wanted to see me. I had already picked out the outfit I would wear tonight , Dark skinny jeans a very sexy white vest and a small jacket. Did I mention the black high platform ankle boots with gold studs. Yeah I looked hot. And so did he. He picked me up from my place saying I was going to need a ride home for today's date. I was excited. Like the gentleman he is he opened the door to his escalade for me.

"So where did you say we're  going again?"

"I didnt say" He said smirking while looking at me briefly before looking back to the road.

"But if you must know, weee, are here"

I looked out the window as he pulled up to a very popular bar, The red velvet.

"A bar?" I said amused at his choiced of venue

"You need to experience the best of both worlds with me, don't want you thinking i'm only good for romance. Let's have fun baby"he said as he opened the door for me and all but dragged me into the bar.

The noise was worse than I had imagined it. He led me to a small table where he ordered all kinds of drinks . I was drunk in less than an hour and I was having fun. We were grinding on each other as we danced in the middle of the bar with a few other couples and many other people who had just met in the bar around us. I would never in the right mind do this but i'm blaming it on the alcohol.

"I'm gonna go get us shots" he was shouting because it was really loud. Bag it up by oasis was now playing and I was high.

"Be right back" he walked away after pecking my cheek.

"ok" i replied. I was dancing on my own when some guy came up behind me and held my waist lightly .

"Let's dance baby " He said as he started grinding on me. I turned around and pushed him away but he wasn't having it. He stumbled a little before coming back and holding my waist again.

"Come on its just a little bit of fun, live a little" He said as he tightened his hold on me. He looked not more than twenty he was probably in here with a fake id. I felt his hand snake its way to my ass and squeeze.I tried to shove him away but he just smiled.The alcohol on his breath hit my nose hard.I was slightly panicking. Suddenly, he was ripped away from me and then I heard a sickening crack. Jason had now grabbed him by his collar and was punching the living daylights out of him. The boy punched him once but that didnt slow Jason down one bit. He was straddling the kid and punching him continuosly. The music in the bar stopped and the lights were removed from dim to their normal stength causing me to blink continuosly before my eyes readjusted to the light. The kid's face was full of blood and so was Jason's hands. A couple of guys grabbed Jason and threw him on the ground before dragging him out of the bar. I ran after them after seeing the boy get helped up by his friends. His nose did not look good .At all. 

Jason was on the ground getting up after they threw him out. He stood up and looked at me

"Are you ok?" He said as he put his hands on my face looking for i'm guessing a scratch or bruise. His eyes were scanning every inch of my face as I stood there my eyes wide in shock of what had just happened.

"Am I ok, are you ok" I asked slightly amused by his actions.

"Yeah I'm fine, did he hurt you?" he said worry evident on his face.

"No , he didnt. So much for a date at the bar" i said to lighten the mood.

He smiled.,"Yeah that wasn't my smartest idea" he said chuckling.

"Clearly," i said pointing where he'd been punched. It had started getting a bruise.

"You wanna call it a night?" he asked looking like he wanted the exact opposite.

"No" i said smiling.

"I like it when you do that"

"What?" I asked confused

"Bite your lip. Its hot. " a devilish grin was on his face which suited him. "How do you feel about going to my place"

"Mine's closer"

"Lets go" we ran into the truck like little children and he smacked my ass playfully. We barely made it into my house without stumbling as he kissed me senseless.

My eyes opened wide in alarm as I realized what I was doing. I wanted to but there was one problem.

"Wait ,wait,"

"What's wrong ?" he asked as we stopped right infront of my bed

"I've never done this before"

"Sex after knowing someone shortly?" he asked confused

"No, sex at all"

The emotion in the darkness of his eyes was unmistakable. Passion and something else that i didnt know how to place.

"I'll be careful with you, dont worry'" He reassured me before he lifted me and lowered me onto the bed. He lifted my arms and took my vest off and did the same with his top. He kissed me and I could feel his hardness pressed against me. He lowered himself and took my pants off and my underwear at the same time as he lifted my hips. He moved back up and took my bra off in one swift motion before kicking his jeans and boxers off. He parted my legs as his lips travelled the length of my throat and his hands moved to cup my bared breasts. He captured my nipple in his mouth licking it with his tongue and biting gently.He repeated the same for its twin.His eyes glittered darkly as he looked at me forcing me to watch as he bent his head to the moist heat flooding  between my thighs. He licked gently before moving faster.It began deep inside like slow motion . I shivered slightly but he pulled away. he moved himself back ontop of me and positioned himself at my entrance. He lowered himself gently on top of me holding my gaze as he filled me. A sharp pain tore through my body causing me to scream.He stilled himself. He  held himself above me not moving an inch as my body adjusted to him.He just looked at me while caressing my hair. Then he started moving his hips slowly against me. He thrust into me and the pain subsided. The rhythm of our thighs became stronger, fiercer until the pleasure engulfed us. He collapsed weakly onto my chest and rolled over taking me with him to lie on top of him his arms about me as his heart beat loudly beneath me, our breathing uneven. I fell asleep in his arms too tired to savour the moment.

There it is! Now that we got that out of the way let's see what happens next...... Vote comment tell errbody bout this

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