F.A.Q. (Sequel Questions/Answers)

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1) What can we expect from the sequel?

- It's definitely going to have the same mood and setting as the first. The one thing you'll notice right away is how confusing you are while you're reading. I can't say much without spoiling, but it took me a very long time to come up with a sequel after how the first ended.

2) Will it be a short story as well?

- Adam & Steve: Reborn will not be a short story, but a continuation of the already short story. Think of it as part two and not a separate book. It will be uploaded here as well so all you need to do is keep it in your library.

3) Is Adam really dead?

- Yes, and he will not becoming back, but at the same time you will still be satisfied with what I'm doing with the Adam situation. Like I said in the first question, you will be confused, but as you read everything will make sense.

4) Why did you write a sequel?

- Because many people asked. And after replying to those people with "I CAN'T. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" I made it possible :) And because there were a lot of unanswered questions so I think a second part with all the answers would close this book for good without leaving anyone frustrated.

5) Will there be a lot of smut like in the first part?

- Sort of? Not a lot, but it won't be between what you expect lol. It's going to be EXTREMELY different and exciting (exotic too?)

6) Was the book named after Adam and Eve?

- Yes, and it was surprising how many people didn't get it. The world started with Adam and Eve and it ended with Adam and Steve, it was my little slap back at the homophobes. This has been the gay agenda all along, to exterminate the human race. (Except the fangirls, ya'll can stay)

7) Were Adam and Steve really the only ones left alive?

- No, they weren't. The aliens wanted to see how people of the same gender acted together in this kind of environment so they left a lot of duos in the world. The story just focuses on Adam and Steve. And yes, they are aliens. Extraterrestrial intelligent beings. 

8) How did the aliens take everyone in such a short time?

- It was just power that they have and humans don't. It all has to do with space and time, but more will be explained in the second part.

9) Can you give us any hints about the sequel?

- Read the title of the book and think about it. The main characters are still Adam and Steve. That's all I will say. It will all make sense later.

10) Can you explain Adam and Steve's sexuality?

- I'm only answering this question because I saw a lot of people kind of angry that Adam and Steve were still being referred to each other as "Friends" even if one dong was in the other's mouth. Basically, the way I wanted to write this story, make it special and unique from other horror stories, is that I wanted to make it sweet and cute and adorable in the beginning. I wanted to put a lot of real emotion into it and then in the end, rip it all away. Neither of the boys ever really questioned their sexuality because it wasn't something that they ever had to deal with but being together really made them open their eyes to what kind of attraction they had towards each other. They were both ALWAYS attracted to each other, but it just wasn't ever going to be obvious until the right time. So I kept referring to each other as friends, so later I could take a jab at your fangirl hearts and make them confess their love for one another so that I could then introduce the fear. They were always bisexual, or pansexual. It's more of . . . they don't think about who they are attracted to until they meet someone they are attracted to. Take away everyone and then they realize, oh, I kinda like you. :) Hope that answers the question.

11)[Question by Bloodina_Cake] Will Steve gain supernatural like abilities?

- This is hard to answer without spoiling, but yes. He did not die in the bodies falling over him because something happened to him. That's all I can say!

12)[Question by ManicSkys] You said it was going to be exotic so does this mean cloning or is Steve gonna fall in love with alien that looks like Adam?

- Neither, but an alien is involved lol. And not with Steve.

13)[Question by Callme_Silver] My Question is if this something like the film Skyline?

- Nope. No one is turning into an alien. Everyone is still human.

14)[Question by xSoulSisterx] What inspired you to write this story? / what particular genre is the story of (teenfiction? Horror? Supernatural?) ?

- Science Fiction Horror. I know that most of the beginning of part one is romance and nothing scary, it's mostly suspense with the little hints I left but ultimately it's science fiction horror. The second one will be more science fiction. There's still romance and sex and humor though. And what inspired me to write it was the whole "It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" bs. I just put my own spin to it :P

15)[Question by YouJustAintShit] Who's POV is it from

- Good question lol. Both Adam and Steve ;)

(If you have any other questions regarding the sequel or the entire story, please leave them below and I will put your question here and answer it for everyone to see. The sequel will be out soon, I'm still writing many things at once so please be patient!)

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