Adam & Steve: Reborn - Chapter Four

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Nox laughed as he won another round of the game we made up called, What the hell is this animal? He was learning fast and almost always pronounced everything correctly as if English was his only language.

I glared at him, annoyed but proud that he remembered all of the animals I showed him. I was annoyed because when it was my turn, I couldn't freaking understand the difference between a Lehgu and a Sintru. The things on his planets were not as cuddly looking as mine and there were a lot of tentacles. Earth couldn't get more basic.

He had it easy.

The game ended unexpectedly. Nox's ears twitched, his eyes snapped towards the entrance of the cave. He was listening, and whatever he heard frightened him because he started running towards the exit and crouched down and stared, listening some more. His eyes were so intense, so focused and hypnotizing that I almost forgot how to breathe. He was an incredible being.

A Kretu jumped through the invisible barrier and attacked Nox. He pushed it off and stabbed it through its neck with a sword before it had a chance to stand back up. It was a quick death.

"Adam!" he screamed and extended his hand out to me.

I jumped out of the hammock and took his hand. When our skin touched, I felt this tingly sensation before he went invisible and me with him. He ran out the cave, pulling me along. We ran fast as a bunch of Kretu's huddled around the invisible cave.

"Nox fight," he said and let go of my hand when we reached one of the many large boulders. Before he left me, he made sure I was equipped with one of his swords and nodded. Then he was gone and I was alone again for the first time since the crash, since Nox had rescued me. I pressed my back against the rock and watched my surroundings.

How did the Kretu's find this place? It was invisible! And if they had the ability to see invisible things, they would have found us long ago, or seen us running out.

Something in the dark growled. GROWLED. Nothing growled, everything sounded like a freaking bug, but a growl? That was no Kretu.

I crouched just in time as an monstrous creature launched teeth first at me. I rolled to the side and raised the sword as it jumped at me again. I thrust into the creature's chest and it went through like it was made out of jello. Nox's weapons were stupidly effective.

I killed it that easily, just one stab and dead. I pulled back the sword and cleaned it with the bottom of my shoe. It had green blood. Very alien.

I hid behind the rock again and watched Nox fight all the Kretus. They just kept multiplying but he never stopped fighting them, never even seemed exhausted for even a second. He swung his weapon with such haste and focus, he was almost dancing with them. He was strong, so strong that he never had to double hit one, they would just fall on the first strike.

Kretus did not seem very smart. They ran around mindlessly attacking the air, jumping over each other and having no real motive except attack Nox no matter what. I was starting to think they weren't even aware of Nox's hideout and one just happened to accidentally go through.

"Adam," Nox called out once everything was clear. I propped myself up from the ground and showed my face from behind the rock. Nox never even broke a sweat. He was spinning his sword on his index finger like it was a toy, like killing alien bugs for half an hour was nothing.

He walked towards me, his walk was smooth and full of confidence. He grabbed the sword from my hand and smiled. We walked back to the invisible barrier and went through. He closed it behind us this time. He hadn't done that before, it was always open, like maybe he was afraid that I thought he was locking me up.

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