Adam & Steve: Reborn - Chapter Six

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Adam gave me an innocent smile at my response. He ran forward, dropping on his knees and hugging me tightly. The emotions were still inside begging to claw out of me, but I held them back, because the tight grip of Adam's embrace was nothing but kind, warm and hopeful.

Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged back. A depressing thought crossed my mind as I felt his skin against mine; he was the last person I would ever get to touch again.

There were no more tears, the emotions flipped on me, now I just felt numb again. Adam and I were the last humans left in the entire universe. Our achievements, our history, our place in this black nightmare would soon be forgotten whenever we passed away. The entire human journey would soon perish like it never even happened.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm right here," Adam said, breaking the contact. "And the alien you saw was my friend. He won't hurt you, he's one of the good guys. He's the reason I'm still alive."

"He doesn't look like them, so I believe you," I said, wiping my eyes on my shirt.


"Adam . . . I don't know how to tell you this, but something bad happened." I couldn't stand looking at his face. He looked so hopeful. Hopeful that he now had a chance to go back to his home. But I was not here to bring him hope. I looked away as I prepared my speech and saw something running towards us. "Adam? What is that?"

Adam looked to the side and quickly got up, retrieving a weapon from his back. The weapon was a sword, but it was shaped differently from those of humans. It had to be the alien's weapon.

The strange creature running at full speed soon appeared with more of its kind. There were a whole herd of them. They were . . . bugs. But bigger and scarier. And more legs? This planet was filled with more mystery than I previously thought.

Adam walked in front of me and raised his sword, ready to fight off the monsters. I stared in awe as he waited patiently with no fear. He had done this before. Probably a lot more than I imagined considering he had been on this planet for a while. He knew a lot more than I did in my little time of researching. But there was not much I could find from Earth.

As the first spider-like bug hissed and made a jump, I heard the same freakishly sound behind me and I screamed, feeling the hairs on my neck stand. Adam's friend, the alien, magically stood between me and the bug creature that had tried to sneak up on me. This alien also had a sword and he had just sliced the bug in half as it had jumped to me. It looked back at me and winked. I felt incredibly uncomfortable.

Adam and the alien fought off wave after wave, neither of them stopping until every last one was dead. Adam was good, but nothing close to the alien. The alien was something out of this world—no pun intended. The way he moved was fast, agile and effortless. But he moved with such prestige that I wasn't sure if I was imagining it or not. Not to mention he was going invisible and moving around as if he was teleporting.

"I need to get you out of here. More are coming," Adam said, sheathing his sword into the scabbard on his back.

"I-I can't walk, my ankle."

Adam slid his hands under me and lifted me up with ease. The alien nodded at him and was gone before my eyes. I wasn't going to protest when Adam ran, every bounce sending a wave of pain through my leg, but I wanted to so badly. He was only trying to help me, I knew that. So I slithered my hands around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder, closing my eyes and holding the pain.

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