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"Just when I thought it couldn't get any crazier!" I said sarcastically.

Robin chuckled and Joker began to laugh.

Scarecrow walked up to Batman and punched him right in the face. Batman got up and punched him back. After a few minutes of fighting I noticed Scarecrow looking at me as his eyes turned from brown to blue. I felt strange, as if I'd seen those eyes before...

After Scarecrows eyes turned completely blue he fell to the floor. Batman put hand cuffs on him and took of his mask.

Even though his face was kinda bloody I knew who it was immediately.

"Oh my God! Jonathan!" I ran over to him.

Jonathan Crane is Scarecrow!?!?!? I mean it makes sense cause of what his grandma and the bullies did to him.

I lifted his head and looked into his eyes.

"I'm so...sorry." He whispered and then went limp in my arms.

I didn't know how too feel. Anger? Sadness? Worry?

I decided to feel them all.

I stood up with tears on my face and anger in my eyes.

"YOU!" I roared pointing to Batman.

I walked towards him, yet he didn't move.


I gripped Jokers knife behind my back. I picked it up after he dropped it, no one noticed...or so I thought.

"No!" Robin screamed as I lifted my arm, ready to strike.

After that everything was in slow motion.

I flung my arm down, aiming the knife at Batman's wicked heart, when stupid Robin jumped in front of him. I didn't care though.

The knife when straight through his heart, killing him instantly.

As Robin fell the speed returned to normal.

Batman dropped to his knees and held Robin in his arms just as I did to Jonathan.

"Wow! I did not see that coming!" Joker said and began to laugh.

I threw the bloody knife at him, barley missing his nose.

"Don't annoy me when I'm dealing with an ASSHOLE JOKER!" I yelled.

He raised his hands, that were still in the cuffs, in defeat and smiled.

I rolled my eyes, sighed, and turned back to Batman who was still holding Robin.

"Now you finally know what it's like to have a shitty life B-man!" I said smiling.

I then looked down at Robin.

"That was for Jonathan." I whisper spat.

I began to turn around but then decided to say one more thing.

"Oh, and by the way, this isn't over." I said smirking.

"(Y/n)! Watch out." Joker yelled.

I turned around as a knuckle collided with my face, knocking me out instantly.


I woke up in a cell. Great. Haha! Even in my head I'm sarcastic!

I sat up and looked at my outfit. It read ARKHAM on it. Wonderful! They think I'm crazy! I mean, I did kill someone... so I guess I kinda am.

I heard the klinking of keys. A guard. I ran to bars. He stopped when he saw me.

"Hey hotty." He said.

I thought of a snotty remark but decided against it.

"You're not to bad your self." I said playing with my hair.

I was lying of course.

"So...I was just wondering...what day is it?" I asked.

"It's December 24th of course." He said.

"Oh, thanks! I'll see you later then." I said with a wink.

He smiled and walked away.

"Quite the show."

I looked at the cell across from mine.

"Hey! You're the Riddler aren't you?" I asked.

"That's me!" He said.

"That's pretty cool. You're like really smart aren't you?" I said.

"I guess you could say that." He said smiling.

"I've never really been good at riddles..." I said walking around my cell.

There was a bed and a button on the wall. That's it.

"Riddle me this," he began and I smiled "you will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, but the future can never taint me. What am I?"

I sat on my bed and thought about it for a minute.

"Honestly, I don't know." I said, stumped.

"History!" He said smiling.

"Mmmm...makes sense. So, what's with this place?" I asked.

"Well, being the alumni I am I can tell you anything you want to know." He said.

"Tell me everything." I said.

"Alright for starters that button on the wall is to go to the bathroom." He said.

"Oh, okay." I said walking over to it.

"We get three meals a day, the food is average. We also get social time after meals and in the summer/spring we get outside time. If it's nice outside we get outside time during fall too." He said.

"So it's basically it's like recess like at school?" I said partly to myself.

"Yeah, pretty much. Oh, and once a week we talk to doctors, ya know to try and heal our mentally ill brains." He said smiling a bit.

"Do you...do you know what happened to Scarecrow?" I asked turning to him.

"Jonathan's okay, they took him to a hospital. I presume once he heals the will bring him here." Riddler said.

"Oh, that's good. Did all you other criminal people know who Scarecrow really was?" I asked sitting on the ground.

"Oh yeah, we all knew it was Jonathan. Lots of people respect him cause he kept his identity secret for so long." He answered.

"Keeping that secret does seem like a hard to do, at least in guessing." I said looking at my hands.

"Just so you know Jonathan and Scarecrow are very different. Jonathan is kind, caring, and broken. Scarecrow is strong, vicious, and cunning. From what I've heard Jonathan kept Scarecrow under control while he was around you, which must have been very hard. Also, being the genius I am, if I had to guess the only reason Jonathan let him out was to protect you. I think you two connected, making Jonathan somehow less broken. So even though he lied to you it was all just to protect you, he didn't want Scarecrow to hurt you." Riddler said.

He was now standing at the bars looking over at me.

"What about Joker?" I asked trying to proses everything he just told me.

"The police will probably try to get some info on his big threat out of him, but I doubt he'll crack. They'll probably return him to Arkham in a week." Riddler said casually.

"Alright, thank you Riddler." I said not moving from my spot on the floor.

"Oh, and by the way, lights out is at 9:30." Riddler added going back to his bed.

I didn't respond, I just sat there until dinner.

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