Kissing a Crow

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(Y/n)'s POV

Today is my birthday! Yay! But the bad thing is, I'm locked in Arkham Asylum. However, I do get to spend it with my new friends, and Jonathan.

I heard the familiar sound of clinking keys. I ran to the bars.

"Hey." I said smiling and batting my eyes.

"Hey there (Y/n)..." the guard said.

"Ya know today's my birthday." I said now playing with my hair.

"Oh really?" He said stepping closer to my cell.

"Yep! I'm turning (your age)!" I said excitedly.

"Well happy birthday (Y/n)...oh, that reminds me," he said taking out a card and handing it to me "Here, this came in for you today."

"Thanks! See ya later!" I said and skipped to my bed.

He chuckled and walked away.

I hated that son of a bitch, but what am I supposed to do with myself? Sit around in this cell all day, board half to death? No! So, I play with his dumbass.

I opened the card my family sent me. Its a birthday card with a picture of my dog in it! They didn't write anything in the card cause what do you say to your daughter who murdered someone? Happy birthday...we are very disappointed in you?

"What's it say?" Nigma asked.

"Nothin." I replied.

"Fine, don't tell me." He said.

"Honestly! Theirs nothing written in it!" I said.

I took the pic of my dog, put it on the bed, and walked to the bars of my cell.

I stood across from Nigma with the card in hand. I backed up, crouched down, and flicked my wrist sending the card flying under the bars of my cell. It slid under Riddlers bars and landed perfectly on the ground.

"Wow, your pretty good at that huh?" He said picking up the card.

"Well ya know after watching Now You See Me and Now You See Me 2 a million times you pick up some stuff." I said walking back to my bed.

As he read the card his smile dropped.

"Wow, I'm sorry (Y/n)." Nigma said.

"It's alright, what were they supposed to write anyway?" I said.

"LUNCH!" A guard yelled as the cell doors unlocked.

Nigma walked over and handed me my card, which I then tossed on my bed.

We walked to the cafeteria and got our food.

I sat down next to Jonathan with Ivy on my other side.

"Happy birthday (Y/n)." Jonathan said.

"Thanks!" I said smiling.

"Here, I stole an extra cup of pudding for you" he said handing me the cup. "cause I know it's your favorite."

"Aww thanks! That's so sweet of you!" I took the cup and hugged him.

We continued to eat until Riddler dropped his fruit cup.

"Ed, you okay?" Jonathan asked.

Cats head snapped up and her eyes widened.

"(Y/n)!" Nigma whispered.

"What? What's wrong." I asked turning around.

Before I could see what was wrong Jonathan grabbed my arm and hurried towards the door.

Jonathan POV

Once we got out of the cafeteria I began to run.

Alright Scarecrow you listen up and you listen good, we have to get (Y/n) back to her cell. But Jonny you know I hate her! Just do this for me, please? This is the last favor I'm ever doing for you and this girl! Thank you.

Scarecrows POV

"Jonathan...what's...going...on?" (Y/n) asked between breaths.

"Shut up girl!" I said getting annoyed.

"Excuse me?!?!?!" (Y/n) snapped.

I didn't respond so she stopped running.

"(Y/n)! You're killing me! Jonny told me to protect you but that's kind of hard when your being a pain in the ass!" I yelled.

"Sc-Scarecrow?" She said backing up a bit.

I smiled. She is scared! Of little old me! Maybe she's not so bad after all.

"The one and only!" I said grabbing her arm. "Now come on! I gotta get you to your cell."

"Why?" She asked picking up pace a bit.

Don't tell her! Jonny, settle down I got this under control... SCARECROW! Bye bye Jonny.

I finally got him to shut up by completely blocking him out. I guess you could call it payback since he does it to me all the time!

Don't get me wrong, I was grateful that Jonathan let me out, but he is just so annoying with all his rules and shit.

"Joker. He's here. And little old Jonny," I said pointing to my head "Wants to keep you safe. So, naturally he let me out!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"Nice going Jonathan... and by the way, I can handle myself." She said.

"Jonny's not here anymore, I'll tell him later." I said.

We finally arrived at her cell. It really wasn't that far from the cafeteria, but I took the long route. Joker would have expected us to take the short one. Plus I wanted to see what the big deal was. I mean Jonny's crazy for her!

"Get in." I said shoving her.

"Hey!" (Y/n) said falling to the floor.

"Sorry...oh wait no I'm not!" I said smirking.

She stood up and punched me. I was about to hit her back, but she began to talk.

"It was nice to meet you." (Y/n) said and held out a hand for me to shake.

I took it and pulled her to my chest.

"Wh-what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked, startled.

"What Jonny never had the guts to do." I said as I leaned in and began to kiss her.

She was a very good kisser, I'd like to go further with this but I knew Jonny would kill me, so I stopped.

"Until next time." I said and closed her cell door.


I know this is a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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