Chapter 8 - Superfluous Introductions

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Three Days Later

Max’s POV

I was in the middle of making a salad for lunch when my phone rang, I had hoped it was Ryan, but the high pitched voice on the other end made me think otherwise.

‘Your suit for tonight is in your wardrobe,’ Just like her to jump into business, no hello.

‘Hello Aria.’

‘I’ve left a note on your kitchen table with your dates address, be there at five.’

‘Wait! You were in my apartment?’ Oh god, she was in my wardrobe! I must have been asleep. This girl has some serious boundary issues.

‘I have a key Max,’ I had made the mistake of giving her a key when I first moved in and she seemed to think that it gave her the right to come and go as she pleased.

‘For emergencies!’ I tried to point out but she ignored me.

‘Anyway, you were fast asleep so I just popped my head in and left.’

‘Aria, we’ve talked about this.’

‘Well, sorry I am doing my job so well,’ She retorted her voice dripping in sarcasm.

‘Can you please give me some privacy?’ I begged, yet I knew my request would never be fulfilled with this girl.

‘Nope. Anyway, I have to go. Love you Max, talk soon.’

‘Bye Ria.’

She made a frustrated noise before hanging up.

I grabbed my salad and made my way over to the table, seeing a note in fact had been left there.

I was not looking forward to tonight.


The streets of LA were as crowded as ever as I made my way to the premiere, a blonde Russian with a very revealing dress sitting next to me. The dress was so sparkly that I couldn’t drive without the streetlights hitting a sparkle and bouncing a beam of light right into my eyes. She seemed unfazed by everything going on around her as she stared at herself in her compact mirror and applied lip-gloss as we made our way.

‘Are you looking forward to tonight?’ The girl said, her Russia accent prominent.

‘Yeah, it will be fun,’ I told her, shooting her a smile as we stopped at a red light.

After a few minutes we finally arrived at our destination. I got out of the car, handing my keys to the valet, and walked to the passenger side, opening the door for my date, who latched onto my arm.

‘Max Stark!’ ‘Over Here!’ ‘Who are you wearing tonight?’ ‘Any news on your next film?’

Photographers and reporters yelled out questions while flashes crowded my vision.

We walked up to where we were expected to stop and take pictures.

I posed, a ‘genuine’ smile on my face as I looked at the girl next to me. The model was famous for something at least, her smile was beautiful as she angled her body, posing for each photo like she was born for it. With each flash of a camera her dress sparkled further and it seemed that all eyes were on us and all whispers were about us. I was eager to get out of the spotlight, my face almost sore with the amount of smiling I had been doing.

I gently tugged on my date's arm, moving us further down the red carpet. When we turned we were faced with another couple, the camera flashes made it hard to tell who they were, but after a couple of seconds my heart felt like it had stopped.

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