Chapter 17 - Lights, Camera, Lie!

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One Week Later 

Ryan's POV  

The bright lights blinded me for a few moments as Claudia and I walked onto the large stage, she was wearing a long dark blue dress, and sparkly jewellery covered her neck and wrists. Her hand was in mine as we sat down on the black couch, opposite Harley Cooper. Harley Cooper's talk show was well known, and he interviewed many top celebrities each week. We had been invited to come onto the show for Claudia to promote her movie and for me to promote my music. There was still two weeks until Max and I were going public, so Claudia and I were still the golden couple. 

I hadn't had a chance to tell Claudia yet, but I planned on doing it tomorrow at lunch.  

'So nice to have you both on the show, it's been a few months so I am sure that we have a lot to talk about' Harley greeted us from the adjacent chair, his grey suit made him look handsome in the warm lights of the stage and his dark hair was styled away from his face, light stubble covering his chin and jawline.  

'I'm sure we do, it's nice to see you Harley,' Claudia smiled, using her free hand to flip her blonde hair over her shoulder.  

'Claudia, so, tell me about 'Sex and Love'.'

Claudia then spent the next few minutes laughing and talking about her movie while I pretended to listen, but really I was wondering what kind of material Harleys suit was made of and whether the hot guy in the front row was dating the girl to his left or his right, seeing as he kept smiling to them both and whispering in both of their ears.  

'So Ryan,' Harley brought my attention back to him, 'How are you and Claudia, do I see wedding bells in your future?'  

The audience clapped and cooed over us while Claudia smiled and squeezed my hand. She seemed to like this a little too much.  

'I'm not sure Harley, but if there is I can assure you that you'll be the first to know.'  

'I'm glad. How have you two been handling the media attention while you've been together?' 

Claudia leaned forward, 'It's difficult at times, but our relationships more important than those rumours.' 

She was a good actress, I'll give her that.  

'There are some ridiculous rumours,' I laughed.  

'What rumours have you thought were the most ridiculous?' Harley asked and Claudia laughed. 

'Well, how about the one where they thought that we were engaged because I wore a diamond ring, on my RIGHT hand!' 

The crowd laughed and she giggled.  

'Or the time they thought that I was cheating on you when they showed a picture from like two years ago,' Well that was actually true, but everyone had believed us when we denied that one.  

'So Ryan, tell us about your new single.' 

'Well, the new song is a love song' the audience awed at my words. 

'And who was your inspiration?' Harley winked, little did he know that I didn't even write the song, it was one that was written for me. The lyrics were sappy and spoke about love and a pretty girl. 

'Claudia of course,' I smiled and there was another communal 'aww' from the crowd, and the woman next to me blushed and pressed her soft lips to my cheek.  

'Do you guys want to hear it?'  

The crowd cheered and Claudia nudged me, so I got up and walked off the main stage and on to a smaller one which was set up with a small band and a tall microphone in the centre. 

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