Chapter 13 - Deny Till You Die

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Max’s POV

In my mind I was having an epic freak out. I fought against the rapid rate of my heart and tried to keep my face straight as I comprehended what this might mean.

Karly Grayson just saw me walking out of Ryan’s apartment building, in the morning. They have photos of me walking out of Ryan Connors building, not just that, but the back exit. They have to know I am hiding something, and she was sure to put two and two together.

Oh god.

I put on my best poker face and decided to try to ‘deny till I die’, one of Arias favourite pieces of wisdom to help me deal with the press.

‘Miss Grayson,’ I gave her a smirk.

‘Mr Stark,’ the brunette nodded towards me, the bright LA sun shining on us as we spoke outside the building.

‘Any reason that you’re having an early meeting with Mr Connors, this is his building, is it not?’ She said, the smug smile on her face.

I was glad that I was wearing different clothes from yesterday, but silently feared what my hair might look like. Leaving Ryan’s building sporting messy sex hair probably wouldn’t be the best for us. I casually carded my fingers through my hair, hoping to make it somewhat presentable.

‘Just having breakfast with a friend,’ I told her, taking a few steps towards where my car was parked, but she stood in front of me, blocking me. I needed to get out of here, my head still hurt and I just wished I was in my apartment.

‘Really?’ she questioned sceptically and I wished that I could just punch her and be done with it, but I just took a deep breath before answering her.

‘Yes, have a problem with that?’

‘Does this have anything to do with the television show that you and his girlfriend have been offered to do?’

WHAT? I haven’t, oh wait, yes, Steven did mention something about a project, and maybe he wants Claudia and I to work on it together?

Well that’s not happening.

‘Not at all,’ I said putting on my poker face.

‘Really?, because I think that you know more than your saying. Mind telling me more about their relationship, since you guys are so close?’

‘They are the prefect couple,’ I stated strongly and she narrowed her eyes, leaning forward.

The words burnt my mouth as they came out, but I kept the slight smile on my face and didn’t let them see how much saying those words hurt me.

‘There’s some connection between their fake relationship, you and that new show, and I will figure it out.’

‘Have a good day Miss Grayson’ I gave her a smile before stepping around her and making my way to my car.

As I drove home I was quite relieved. Karly was on the wrong track, completely, but she knew that Ryan I were friends, which could only lead to bad things. She was only going to dig deeper, and I was half scared of what she would find.

If Ryan and I come out as a couple, I want it to be on our terms. It would kill me if we were outed and Ryan wasn’t ready. I know that he needs to be the one to do it, he has to take that step.

I was halfway to my apartment when I realised that I should go to Arias, I needed to find out more about Stevens project, there was no way I would do it if that bitch was going to be there. I hadn’t heard much about the project yet, but if the director was anything to go by, it was going to be a hit.

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