Chapter 11 - Brotherly Advice

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Ryan’s POV

I sat on the bed, rhythmically threading my fingers through Max’s hair.

I was going to kill Ben for this.

I had gotten Ben to put Max onto my bed, the man unconscious on the dark blue blankets, and had made Ben sit on the couch until I came back. 

The mans breathing was even and his chest rose and fell with every breath, and that was the only thing keeping me from freaking out. He was alright, he was going to be fine. I sat there, impatiently, for quite a while, anxious to be sure that he was ok.

Max stirred slightly and I leaned forward on the bed, hoping that he would open those green eyes of his. My heart had been hammering in my chest from the moment I walked in the apartment.

I really hoped that Max would be alright, and if he wasn’t then I would rip Ben’s hair from his scalp and punch him so hard that his teeth would fall out. Then I would feed him to a bunch of sharks, yep, sharks. And not the nice ones like on finding nemo, the bad ones that kill just for fun. Yep I will find a bunch of psychopathic sharks and feed Ben to them. Good luck Ben.

A bit harsh?


This was Max!

I was distracted from my thoughts of murdering my idiot brother when Max’s head moved and his eyelids fluttered.

Slowly his eyes opened and he jumped up, now sitting upright on the bed startled and confused.

‘Max, it’s ok,’ I tried to calm him down but the man just looked even more confused.

‘Ryan!’ his eyes focussed on mine, ‘There’s an intruder, and he’s here for you,’ he said, his eyes searching around us for this so called intruder.

‘No Max, it’s ok, it’s just Ben,’ I reached out, my hand on his arm as I reassured him.

‘Your brother?’ He asked me, his green eyes wide and confused.

‘Yeah, he’s staying with me tonight, flew in from New York today, I'm so sorry, I should have told you.’

‘Oh. He hit me with a bat!’ he remembered and his hand flew to his head.

I now regretted never showing Max any photos of my brother.

‘Yeah, he sort of thought that you were the intruder’

He laughed weakly, ‘Oh god, this is messed up. I should go apologise’

‘You’re going no-where, you were knocked out, I am officially putting you on bed rest for the next few hours.’

‘Your mean to me,’ he pouted and I grabbed his hand, gently lying him back down on the bed.

‘Stay with me?’ he asked, and I leant down, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

‘I should go talk to Ben, but I’ll be back, ok?’

‘Ok,’ he smiled at me and I kissed his temple before jumping out of the bed and leaving the room.

When I got to the living room my brother was sitting on the couch, confusion and guilt playing on his features.

‘Is he alright?’ My older brother asked, jumping up when he saw me.

‘Yeah, I think he will be fine.’

‘Thank-god,’ he sighed, sitting back down.

I joined him on the couch, ‘How about you two work on your communication skills huh? Might save a life next time.’

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