Chapter 8: The Crush Spills out

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James's POV

"Come on Harry! Who is it?" I say, "Or I'll start tickling you."

"Urghhhhhh... FINE! I think I might have a crush on G-Ginny Weasley" He whispers the last part.

"Awww... So it's true. Potter's do Fancy red heads. Father like son. I am so Happy Harry, I never thought I would see this day." I say clutching my heart and chuckling.

"Dad! You're just being over dramatic, I don't ever know if I like her, like her and she definitely doesn't like me. By the way, your hearts on the left not the right"

"Oh," I say then quickly pulling my hands away from my chest. "Well aren't you lucky then that your Father happened to be very good at changing girls minds. Look to you Mother for proof."

After me saying that, Harry turns and runs back up the stairs.

"Oh, he really is my Mini Me, isn't he Sirius"

"Oh, he is."

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Third Person View

It was Friday September 1st and Kings Cross station was as busy as ever. The two families, the Weasley's and the Potter's were waiting at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. There were too many muggles around so the two families were unable to go through the barrier just yet. After what seemed like ages most of the muggles cleared so they were able to make there way on to the platform.

Everyone went through in pairs, first Fred and George, then Percy and Ginny, Harry and Ron, James and Lily then finally Arthur and Molly. Sirius was unable to make it, due to a mission for the auror department. Platform 9 and 3/4 was packed with panicking parents and excited children. Harry and the Weasley's jumped on the train waving good bye to their parents.

"Bye Mum! Bye Dad! See you at Christmas!" They all yelled.

"See ya, Prongslet!" James yelled much to Harry's embarrassment.

Harry and Ron marched down the train corridor to the sacred 'Marauders' compartment. Ginny followed but shortly after they reached the compartment she continued down the corridor to find a compartment that didn't contain an Arrogant boy named Harry Potter inside.

The train whistle blew and Harry and Ron waved their final goodbyes to their parents, then the train slowly departed the platform leaving a trail of smoke in it's path. Not minutes later the compartment door opened and there stood their friend Hermione Granger.

"Hermione!" Harry and Ron yelled in unison, "Good to see you again."

"You too!" She said then sat down.

"Guys, I have something to tell you." Harry says, nervousness in his voice. "Ok, don't take this the wrong way, especially you Ron. I think I have a crush on Ginny."

"You WHAT! You like my sister! But she hates you, she says you're a lazy, arrogant, toe-rag." Ron says.

"I know she hates me Ron, but I will get her in the end. Just like Dad did." Harry replied confidently.

"So what do you like about her Harry?" Hermione says with curiosity.

"I don't know, she's smart, funny, feisty, has gorgeous Red Hair that smells of Lilies, she can play quidditch and above all she will stand up for her self. Her qualities are endless."

"Sounds like you have payed a lot of attention to her Harry, over the years."

"I have, since I was very young Dad always said. Pay attention to girls, learn what they like and dislike. It can only help. I guess I took his advice too seriously and since she was the only girl I came into contact to regulary, it just sort of happened."

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