Chapter 19. First Day

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Yesterday was very eventful, well if you consider talking mutually with your nemesis of 5 years 'eventful'. Today was the official, first day of term and I was pretty excited. I was finally able to drop Divination and Care of Magical Creatures, not that I hated Hagrid or anything. It's just his teaching was so poor and Divination you can understand why I would want to drop that, with an oaf like Trelawney teaching.

This morning we got our Schedules from McGonagall, and sadly I had all of my subjects with Potter. Although I couldn't let this get me down, him and I were supposed to be friends now. Who knows how that was going to work, but we'll see.

The bell for first period rang shortly after breakfast. I had double potions, great subject to have first thing on a Monday. We walked into the classroom to the most glorious of smells. By 'We' I am meaning Ron, Hermione, Potter and myself of course. We sat down at the middle round table and took out our potions books. A few minutes later Proffesor Willowby walked in.

"Hello class, welcome to your first NEWT potions class. Today, will just be an introductory lesson so there will be no need to get out any ingredients or your books. Now over the summer I have brewed a few potions for you to examine. If you would like, you can all come up the front and get a closer look."

The class left our seats and gathered up the front of the classroom where all the peculiar potions were sitting.

"Now, this small potion. Who can tell me what it is?" Proffesor Willowby asked. Hermione, Ron, Potter, myself and a few other all put their hands up. He called on Potter

"Ahh, Mr Potter"

"It is Veriteserum sir, my father uses it alot at work as he is an Auror."

"Very good, Mr Potter. Ten points to Gryffindor."

Potter turned around and smirked at me. I thought we were trying to be friends.

"This next one." Proffesor Willowby begins, "is a rather strong potion. Can anyone tell me what it is?" I raise my hand straight away I knew exactly what it was and I knew the second I smelt it when we walked into the room.

"Yes, Miss Weasley"

"That potion is Amortentia, the most powerful love-potion in the world. It smells like what the consumer loves most. It does not create actual love, but deep obsession."

"That is indeed correct, Miss Weasley. Another ten points to Gryffindor." I beemed. "Now, later this term we will be making this potion and it will be your main assignment. You will be given a partner, and you and your partner will have 3 weeks to complete the potion."

The rest of the class was progressively boring, Proffesor Willowby went on and on about the NEWTs course and how important it is for us to pay attention to everything. Of course I think Hermione and I are the only ones listening. Potter and Ron were too busy planning pranks in a note book. I don't understand how they both did so well in OWLs. They each got 9 owls, I got the that too, but they never pay attention. It's like they use legilimens or something. But they can't, that's advanced magic.

At last the bell rang to leave. Ron, Potter and I each had a free period while Hermione went to Arithmancy. I don't understand why she takes that subject, I guess she just wants extra credit. Ron, Potter and I decided to head down to the lake, to get some last minute relaxation before we got a pile up on Homework. It was so peaceful.

"Hey guys, do you wanna play a game of truth or dare." Ron said suddenly.

"Ummmm, sure." I replied

"I'm in, no lying or backing out. If you do either you have to do something worse," said Potter

"I'll go first," I say. "Potter, Truth or Dare."

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