Twenty One: It's Finally Out

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Alex frowned at me for a second, thinking about what I just said. "Fuck." He whispered. His eyes filled with worry as he stared down at the floor.

"Alex, it's alright, we'll sort it out-"

"We can't fucking sort it out. She has the photo, she's going to post it, she's going to fuck everything up." Alex interrupted me, his voice shaking slightly.

"What will she fuck up?" I asked, frowning slightly. It can't be that bad, can it?

"Well for starters, my dad will kill me, I'll lose business deals. It's going to ruin everything." Alex explained, sighing in frustration.

"Well, we don't know that she's going to post the photo, 'two' could mean anything-"

"What else is she going to be talking about?" Alex interrupted me, looking at me with sad eyes. I shrugged and looked down at the floor. Alex sat silently for a while, before speaking again.

"Maybe I should tell my family. Or at least my siblings, or maybe just my brother Ollie, you know, the gay one?" Alex rambled on at me, his voice still slightly shaking.

I nodded, "they'll probably want to hear it from you rather than find out on social media."

Alex nodded, "yeah, I'm gonna tell my brother. But I might have to wake him up."

I frowned, "wake him up? Where does he live?"

"Australia." Alex said as he picked up his Mac laptop from the coffee table.

"Which part?" I asked.


"Isn't it like 2am there?" I continued.

Alex shrugged, "he's probably having a party so he'll be awake."

Alex began to FaceTime his brother, so I left the living room and told him I would pour myself a drink while he talked to Ollie. He deserved a bit of privacy for this.

Alex's POV

My brother, Ollie, picked up the FaceTime call rather quickly. All I could hear was music and voices, but then it went quiet as he walked into an empty room.

"Sorry, it's a bit mental in there, hi." Ollie began, sitting down on a bed.

"Hey." I answered.

"What's up?" Ollie asked.

"I need to tell you something. Then I need your advice." I began. Ollie nodded and told me to continue.

I looked over at the kitchen as I listened to Lukas make himself a drink. I turned back to my laptop and looked at Ollie, before taking a deep breath.

"I'm gay."

I watched Ollie as he stared at me. It wasn't hard to tell him because he's gay himself so I just blurted it out, but there's still a small part of me that's very nervous right now.

Ollie's eyes suddenly widened, the information only just processing in his mind.

"Nah, are you serious?" Ollie asked as he frowned at me, his eyes still wide however.

"Yes I'm serious."

Ollie grinned widely at me, but then his grin disappeared. "Hold on, I thought you had a girlfriend."

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