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"Kato!" I shouted angrily chasing the not so small dog around my apartment. He currently had my shoe and I was not a happy camper because it was one of my favorites. He however thought I was trying to play and continued to run around knocking into things and nearly knocking over the lamp on my end table. "Bad dog! Come here you twerp!" I jumped up on the couch trying to intimidate him with my height.

"Tori what are you doing?" I snapped my head at the door with surprise. I sprinted and flung myself at Rayner. "Hello to you too." He laughed wrapping his arms around me. Kato barked and jumped at our feet with excitement.

"Dog troubles?" Rayner asked once I'd let him go. I nodded frowning at the six month old German Shephard. I loved the beast, but he seriously had issues. He was way too hyper for his own good and I couldn't control him to save my life.

"He's a little demon." I stuck my tongue out at him as if he actually understand the notion. He basically just smiled at me as if I'd just praised him for being a good boy and layed down exhausted from running around. Served him right.

"Well maybe I should take him down to the station for some lessons? Probably should've started training a little earlier, but now is better than never." He offered squatting to rub his head. I agreed, Kato could definitely learn some manners. I wanted him to be better behaved, because I was growing frustrated with him.

"I would like that, and I know he'd get a kick out of it he loves people. Anyway you're early, why?" Rayner was never early, he was always right on time. He shrugged suspiciously. "What are you hiding from me mister?" He shrugged again turning away from me to kick off his shoes. "Rayner." I frowned pushing.

"I just couldn't wait." He chuckled squeezing my cheeks shaking my head back and forth. "Okay I have a small surprise for you." I furrowed my brows. I could not deal with any more of his surprises. I was already losing my mind because of one of them.

"Well I sure hope it's smaller than him, and a lot more well behaved." I stuck my tongue out at the dog again not that he was even looking this time. Rayner shook his head at me and held up two tickets. "Oh!" I squealed snatching them from him. I was rather excited, but I also felt a small pang of jealously strike once I'd read what they were for. "Eliza Grace tickets! Awesome." I tried to keep the uneasy tone from my voice to no avail.

"First row too!" He seemed really proud of himself. So far I hadn't had much to worry about with the whole Eliza business because he really hadn't even talked to her or at least that's what he said. He may have just been telling me that so I wouldn't lay awake at night. "Her manager gave them to me since I have that night off. Wasn't that nice?" I nodded in agreement biting my tongue.

"Super." I smiled widely trying to be as enthusiatic as possible. He frowned detecting the fact that I wasn't as excited as he'd hoped. He rubbed my cheek gently giving me that 'stop pretending' look.

"Tori we don't have to go if you don't want to. I just thought I'd offer because I thought you liked her music. We could do something else that night." He smiled kissing the top of my head. I shrugged content with his lips on my skin. When he did that I knew there was no way I could say no.

"No we should go. It'll be fun." I decided because there was no reason for me to be so jealous of someone that didn't even have time to breathe let alone steal my boyfriend. Besides he did get the tickets for free. It'd be a total waste not to go.

"You sure?" I nodded offering a genuine smile. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Atta girl. Now if you'll excuse me I must pee." I wrinkled my nose in disgust slapping him on the butt. He was almost worse than the dog, except Rayner was actually potty trained.

I sat on the couch thinking about how the concert might actually go, but every scenario was ridiculous. Rayner was my boyfriend and he'd never do half of the crazy things I'd thought up in my head. I wasn't going to let Eliza get to me. After all she hadn't even done anything to me, which made the resentment I had toward her childish.

Rayner plopped next to me in his usual spot and I hoped he'd washed his hands. "You okay?" I nodded smiling happily. There was no reason for me not to be. I had Rayner, I had my own place, I'd graduated school, got accepted to the college I'd dreamed of, and even if things hadn't gone as I had planned I was content with how they were.

"Couldn't be better." He grinned slinging an arm over my shoulder leaning into my ear. His breath gave me goosebumps. Just as I thought he'd say something incredibly sexy he'd surprised me once again.

"Good because I think the dog is going on the carpet again." I frowned jumping up running to save my carpet from another stain.



Okay lame I know cause it sort of ended on the same note as the last chapter, but I wanted something simple and sweet to end on and I need to introduce the concert. So there you have it! I hope you've all enjoyed this book! :O


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