(3) Ulterior Motives Give You Bad Dreams

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I woke up with a horrible headache so I took some more pain medicine and washed my face to refresh myself. I knew today Rayner and I were suppose to be going to town so I put on some concealer to hide my bruises, under eye circles, and the ugly gash. It wasn't completely gone, but it looked better. I put on a little mascara and a touch of lip gloss letting my hair fall in it's natural wave. I looked... healthier, less dead-like which was an improvement in my eyes. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a loose long-sleeve top, leaning toward comfort instead of fashion. We were going grocery shopping so it was not like I had anyone to impress.

Rayner was all ready to go when I met him in the living room this morning. We lounged around for a bit not really saying much, but there wasn't much to say. It was kind of awkward since last night and neither of us were able to eliminate the discomfort. I wasn't sure what body guards were suppose to do, but I was sure that we may have crossed a boundary already. He had only been trying to comfort me and yet it almost had seemed like more which was ridiculous of me to even think it.

"Wanna head out?" Rayner asked standing up grabbing his jacket off the back of the couch. I nodded thankful I didn't have to sit in the thick tension any longer putting on my own jacket. "Okay." I followed him out the door and down the hall to the elevator. Once we were in the car he looked up local stores with the GPS on his iPhone. He pulled into a parking space near the front once we'd found the place. We stood a good distance apart on the way inside the store. He grabbed a cart and wheeled it down a random isle.

"Just get whatever you want okay?" Rayner insisted obviously an inexperienced, unstructured shopper. My mother never came without a list and a plan. She was the most organized woman on the face of the earth. I was willing to bet anything that was true. She had a list for everything. There was never a time in the world she'd stray from her schedule, or lists. It was frustrating at times, but I sort of missed it now.

I nodded following him around as we walked the perimeter of the store occasionally tossing things I saw that I wanted into the cart. After about 30 minutes of walking in silence he spoke. "Let's get out of here." He suggested once the cart was full of random items we'd thrown in that would probably never make a complete meal. He payed and I started to help put things into the car according to what I could lift. My injuries still had me pretty sore.

"I've got it go start the car." He waved me off handing me the keys continuing to load up the groceries. I obeyed needing to sit feeling exhausted from the trip. I started the car and turned on the heater. It was a lot colder here than in L.A. and my baby butt wasn't use to cold weather. That was one of my favorite things about California, the fact that it never really got too chilly. I had to stop reminiscing and get out of this funk if I ever wanted to feel better.

When he finished packing the things he'd bought into the trunk he climbed in the driver's seat studying my face. Probably looking to see if I'd fallen apart yet. "What do you wanna do now? Check out your new school?" School? I didn't even want to think about that, but I agreed anyway. I was plainly curious as to what it looked like. I hated the thought of being the new girl because I had never moved in my life.

He put the car in gear and drove us to what was to be my new school. It was nothing compared to my old school. Much smaller and although it was nice, it was not what I was used to. I saw teenagers lingering around the parking lot in their uniforms staring curiously at our car. Navy blue was so not my color... My old school uniform was light gray and white which was much prettier with my tan complexion not that it mattered much. It seemed a petty thought in comparison to my problems.

He's My Bodyguard (REWRITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя