(7) You're a Brat!

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"So you're going on a date?" Rayner frowned then quickly put his mouth in a tight line. I gulped, why did I decide going was a good idea again? My parents weren't exactly in my business about guys and having to tell Rayner was straight up uncomfortable. They were strict, but never about my social life as long as it didn't interfere with my school. "With who?" He asked, more like interrogated. I dug deep in my thoughts, I nearly forgot his name because of my anxiety. Rayner was kind of terrifying, but I guess he had to be.

"It's not even really a date to be honest. A couple other people are going too just a group of friends going to the mall and a movie." I explained, trying to make it seem like no big deal. He nodded contemplating what I had just told him. I never expected him to actually say yes.

"Alright. That's fine, but I have to go with you." I raised my brow. I was not going to have him follow us around like a total creep. Plus I don't think everyone would be okay with that, it would be like someone's dad going on a date with them. Although in this case I guess it'd be like my brother since that's what everyone thought he was to me.

"Don't you think that will be a little awkward?" I questioned hoping he would realize he was being irrational and that I should go alone. He shrugged, hopefully rethinking his previous statement. I didn't want everyone to think I was a freak and that my pretend brother was too protective.

"You won't even know I'm there. I'll be in the shadows." He smiled widely, almost teasingly. Oh God, what did that even mean? I wasn't sure I wanted to even go anymore. I don't know what possessed me, but I texted Damien letting him know I was going. I just hoped Rayner wouldn't embarrass me.

I wasn't sure about everything at first, but Rayner really was in the shadows. I didn't know where he was at all and yet he'd text me when "Damien's arm was too low," or "the conversation was too inappropriate." What was I four? How could he hear us anyway? He couldn't have been anywhere near us. I didn't even see the slightest hint of where he could be and that was even more unnerving than if he were standing right beside me.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like you're having too much fun." Damien wrapped his arm around me and I felt my phone vibrate. I rolled my eyes, seriously?! I would not let him spoil this night. I chose to ignore his texts from this moment on. It wasn't fair that he was being way too protective, it was not like there was any actual danger anyway. Just a hormonal teenage boy who wasn't going to get any further than an arm around my shoulder.

"Yea, sorry." I smiled reassuringly at him. Once I stopped talking to Rayner I started having a ton more fun with the people I actually felt like I could call friends now.

Janice and I put on crazy dresses and the boys tried on different colored suits. We all took silly pictures in the dressing rooms and for the first time in a long time I was having fun. My mind was almost completely off all the bad things in my life. I had almost forgotten how to have fun, and now that I was finally having some I felt completely elated.

We got some food from the food court and on our way out of the mall we passed a shop with TVs in the window. The news was playing and I was horrified when they showed a picture of me and my parents on the screen. I thought they weren't allowed to do that?! How could I be this unlucky?

"Whoa is that you?" Trace pointed to the picture under the headline that read: Girl Rescued from Brutal Burglary. I felt tears in my eyes again. "Tor...?" I looked up at my new friends. They looked confused, and concerned which only made lying to them that much harder. It was just easier that they didn't know though. Less questions, less awkward silences.

"What?" I looked up at their expression. Janice looked scared, Damien utterly uncomfortable, and Trace's face was coaxed with worry. I hated the way they looked at me like I was a different person now.

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