#8 The Club

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One week I sigh. It's been one week since I returned back to Shadow pack and it's been one week since I have seen my mate. He is pretty good at ignoring I must give him that.

But daily encounter with Stella and her overconfidence makes me nauseous. I ignore her but she keeps on coming in front trying to overpower me. Not because she thinks I am weak but because she has something to flaunt her soon-to-be-Luna position. 

I don't know how long I am staying here so I contact my beta almost all the time since I am working from here. I don't want to leave them hanging. My little room here has become my office, scattered with papers and files I bought with me. This distracts my mind from my mate and I am happy to be working all the time. 

The door to my room opens with a thud revealing a very angry looking Mischa. 

“You!!! Yes you! You are a disgrace to my friend circle. Live a little! Stop trying to kill yourself by overworking” she grits out as she snatches the file from my hand and holds it up. 

It's not like I can't take it back but I don’t. 
“I am not killing myself Mischa I have to work” I plead as I look at the file in her hand pouting. 

“No, this puppy face doesn't work on me. We are going to the club tonight and you are coming. Just get ready” She commands and I raise my brow at her. 

Her straight face falters as she chuckles and pulls me up, dragging me to the closet. 

“Hmmm… Let's see what do we have here?” She says more to herself as she goes through my collection of clothes. Yes you are right, my collection. This time I bought my own clothes. 

“I was right. You are a disgrace. What are these? Do you know any clothing beyond jeans and occasional shorts?” She asks shaking her head. 

Puzzled I look at her “Why can't I wear jeans to the clubs?” 

She gasps as she holds both of my hand.

“You have never been to club before, have you?” 

I shake my head, “Back in my old pack I was underage and in my pack, well I simply don't have time.” I shrug showing away my disinterest.

“This won't work. Wait a minute, you can wear one of my dresses and I just have the dress for you” she says and rushes out of my room only to return with a dress. And thrust me with the dress and asked me to wear it.
When I wore and looked at myself in the mirror I found it looked good on me.

Though I am not much into dresses, this black dress with turtle neck and lace allover its chest and sleeves clinging to my skin and matching heels actually looks good on me. (Dress on top)

“Why didn't you tell me?” I ask glaring at Mischa as we both leave the pack house and walk towards the car. 

“What we are going to human city, we can't go alone; so Elias and Stella will join us no biggie.” 

“No biggie, remind me again what is the sole purpose of taking me to the club!?” I ask rolling my eyes.

She points a finger at me narrowing her eyes. “You, don't get to say anything. After all I am doing all this for you, now shut up. Sit inside. He will be invisible there, you won't even smell his presence” she smirks as she slides down on the driver seat. 

“You are driving?” I ask as I settle on the passenger seat. 

“Yup. My car, my rules. Club Xen, here we come” she shouts as she turns on the engine and steps on the accelerator. 

We reach the club and let me tell you it looks cool though I have not been to one before and I am enjoying it.
But it comes to an end as my mate and Stella come to sit beside us on the barstool. “You said, wait let me quote ‘you won't even smell his presence’ now what?” I glare at Mischa and sneak a look at my mate sitting beside me with Stella on his right side. 

The True AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ