#50 The Countdown- Day Two (Part II)

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Ques. Is there any part/mystery of the book that you think has not been explained yet? Or do you have any questions about any other part of the book? Mention them here so that I can cover all the parts before the book ends and also I'll be explaining if you have any questions.

RECAP: In the last chapter we discovered that Kael has evidences against James. Everyone declares that James has been the mole all along but Elias protests against it. This protest leads to a fight between Elias and Ava and they emotionally cut off each other by creating a barrier in their minds.

I marched towards the living room to find everyone looking at Lillian who was standing at the threshold of the room. She has a full blown smile on her face and a little glass bottle in her hands.

“I did it” the three words and the utter relief that these three words brought is undeniable. 

I smile forgetting about my fight with Elias and rush forward towards her and pull her in for a hug.

She stays frozen at her spot, completely baffled. I laugh at her shocked face as I eye the bottle in her hand.

“Is it tested?” I questions and she shakes her head in disagreement.

“I plan on testing it on James” she whispers and I swirl to look at Kael.

I do not trust anyone right now. Anyone could be the traitor. But Kael trusts Lillian and I need his confirmation before allowing her to test its effectiveness on James.

Kael nods and says “I have been with her for most of the time. I trust her and the medicine is go good” he whispers, but I am sure even Elias in the room on first floor must have heard him. 

Before I could turn and take the antidote from Lillian, I see Dia rushing out of the guest room and towards us, her eyes blazing with anger. It catches me off guard.

She looks at me, then eyes the antidote in Lillian’s hands and then gives everyone a look in the room, before she smiles and shakes her head.

“I hit the side of my bed” she mumbles trying to become calm. Huh seriously?

I now know NOT to trust anyone and by the looks of it, Dia is exactly not making me trust her. I mind link Ron to keep an eye on her before I return my attention back on Lillian.

“Now that we have the antidote let's try this on James” Xander speaks, making me nod as he takes the antidote from her hands and passes it to me with a small apologetic smile. “ I am sorry about last night” he adds and I nod not willing to discuss that right now.
As I walk ahead, I feel all of them following me towards James' room.

I see Elias still inside his room sitting on the couch and talking to someone on his phone. He has a very worried expression and that reminds me that his Beta Eric is not here.  He looks up at me and others behind me as we stand in the threshold of the room and hangs up the call and stands straight.

“We have the antidote, I have mind linked my pack healer, he will be here in any minute” I speak not looking at him even after I am itching to ask about the reason behind his worried look. Then we all proceed towards James room.

My pack's healer is already there in James room. He takes the antidote and hooks it in the IV and then checks his pulse. James's face is very pale now with dark circles under his eyes and his lips are blackened. I feel sorry for him. He is a gorgeous man and in between of all this I forgot how he almost gave his life to help me.

Oh No! James was attacked because he was trying to protect me and I was blaming him?
I know I don't trust him but he saved my life. Does that not count as something? I feel like, such a fool.

The True Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें