#27 The Story Behind Elias's Life

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Please don't hate Elias. 🙏
Peace. 🚩


I sat silently thinking about things that even Ava has not contemplated yet.
First, Ava's parents were part of my pack.
Second my father wanted to kill my mate when she was a just born baby.
Third, my mate's mother aka Keeva aka my mother-in-law killed my parents. 
Fourth my mate wants my pack. Fifth when time comes she is going to challenge me. 
Sixth she is dangerous for everyone and a time ticking bomb about to be exploded.
I sigh internally unsure about what to do; a strong feeling of hate surges inside me thinking about her history.

All our lives were perfect before she came into this world. She came and ruined everything of mine. Is fate getting kick out of this situation? She is the sole reason why all of this happened in the first place! When my parents died and Mischa was with her grandparents, I had no option but to run. My grandparents could not allow me to stay with them as I am not their grandson. Mischa isn't my real sister, she is my half sister. Her deceased mother's parents weren't very welcoming and wanted nothing to do with me.

I had no choice but to become a rogue. And I lived this life without parents and becoming rogue all because of her; because of her existence.
How can she be my mate?
How can I ever hold her in my arms and not think about my mother who died in front of me because she wasn't able to live without my father who was tricked and killed by my mate's mother!
How can I ever tell her that I love her without hating her for her mere existence?
How will I stay by her side when I want nothing to do with her right now!
It is a cruel joke played by fate on me! Why should I even help her? Why not just let her go and face her sins she committed?

‘STOP!  Just freaking stop it!’ Adrian growls. ‘She didn’t do anything. She was just a new born baby for god sake. Stop being so bloody hypocrite and stop judging her. She is already so messed up, she needs us; and if we leave her too she won't be able to live.’ Adrian explains while trying to convince me.

‘Then let her face the sins she has committed. She killed our parents.’ I counter back.

Keeva did; she didn't. And might I add our father wanted to kill her first.’ Adrian groans.

“Stop it!” I yell and everyone in the room falls silent looking at me.

“What is it El…” Ava starts and I raise my hand stopping her.

“Leave. Just leave.” I command her and she looks at me with teary eye and hurt flashes in her eyes crushing my heart. She still nods and turn around and leave.

Eric tries to talk to me but I simply glare at him. He shakes his head and turns around and leave the room. Gamma Shawn and Mellisa along with Keeva turns to leave when I quickly walk forward and slam the door shut.

“Not you Keeva. Mellisa you can leave and Shawn I want you to wait outside.” Shawn nods and leaves with Mellisa closing the door after him.

“What is it?” Keeva questions and walks and sit in the chair in front of my table.

“I want you to tell me everything that happened twenty years ago in detail start speaking now.”  I command her and sit down on my chair glaring at her. Today I am in no nonsense mood and my patience is draining. I want answers and maybe Keeva sensed it too.

Keeva nods and starts “Where should I start from? So I guess you want to know why I killed your father.” I tilt my head giving her a curious glance.

“As I said earlier it started on the day Ava was born. After Felicia came and read her future your father was livid. Not because she is a powerful wolf. No, he was a tough man but soft from inside. I knew your father personally. He could do anything for his family and pack. And he knew Ava is dangerous. His decision to kill Ava was because of the intense power present inside her which anyone can use against us if she can't handle it. He was worried that Ava, after she grows up can use her power against us. He was also saving the Alpha position for you. He was worried that Ava will dethrone you. He wanted to save our future. Everyone considered that she was evil spirit because she sucked moon spirit power. Everyone in the pack supported your father in his decision of killing Ava.” Keeva stops releasing a soft sob.

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