#52 The Monarch

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I started this book in third point of view. It's fair if I end it same way. 

Ava felt the connection breaking and she felt it even before the soul of her mate left his body.
Devastated, she gave a once over the battlefield looking at everyone in her helplessness and asking for help.
The burden of killing her own mate was heavier than any other and she knew she can’t do anything right now.

Had she recovered her control earlier, she might have treated her mate with her blood but now, it was too late.

But she was given no time to think over this, as now she have full control over her body it was the time for moon goddess spirit to leave her body and finally retreat in her right body.
But Ava had too many questions before she could allow the spirit to leave her body.

Ava knew she now has the power to speak to moon goddess whenever she desires and she decided to use it now.

It hurt her when the goddess finally tried to retreat from her body towards the moon but this time, Ava acknowledged her true form and bound the spirit to her body. She had questions and she won’t let her go unless she answered all of them for her.

The spirit inside her was frustrated and tried to set free but Ava won’t let that happen. Not unless the moon goddess shows up in front of her and answers her questions.

She didn’t had to wait for long as the soft breeze suddenly got wild and an immortal figure appeared in front of her eyes. 

The world stilled just like earlier, only this time, it was Ava who was in control. She wanted her people to hear everything and so she opened up the portal. By declaring herself as their Queen, she now had access to every wolf’s brain and she knew that even if they are frozen right now, when they wake up later, they’ll remember what happened here.

“Why?” Ava questioned. She knew that the goddess understood what she meant.

The goddess smiled she too looked around the battlefield and bent down to touch the field and took the mud in her hand and that’s when Ava noticed that the sand was mixed in blood.

Twenty years before from now, I was up there…” goddess pointed at the moon with her finger while her gaze was fixed on the soil in her hand.

When I saw the devastation the future of werewolves will cause. I saw your extinction. I didn’t spend all my life and energy into creating werewolves just to see them destroying and killing each other.
When I created first werewolves I divided them on the basis of power. So there won’t be any rebellions. Unfortunately no system is efficient, loopholes can be found everywhere.” She stops and releases the mud in the air and back on ground.

Moon Goddess remembers the day clearly when she saw the fate of her creatures.
Some of her werewolves grew rebellious and intoxicated with the power.
Aaron was one such rebellious wolf but he was not the only one. There were many.
Every wolf was getting greedy day by day and they formed a new system of their own. Creating packs and choosing leaders, differences between the packs increased and everyone tried to prove their pack superior to other.
That was not what she had in her mind when she created werewolves. They were supposed to be stronger and smarter than the humans.

I decided we need a reformation in this werewolf system. A capable leader who will once again bind all the werewolves together into one group and not divide them under different packs and power zones. A leader who will have to do the necessary cleaning and remove the odds from this world. That’s when I created you. The True Alpha, born to lead the werewolves.” Goddess stops as she eyes Ava and smiles softly.

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