Your Song of Mine

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By notes plucked from the air;
Melodies form on soft lips,
Whisper Speak if you dare.
But I don't,
No, I won't,
I can't interrupt this,
This song from your lips,
Lips I really want to kiss.
This beauty you give
Has my stomach in knots,
I imagine it's mine
(Though I know it's not).
I look away from your hips,
Lest my thoughts go amiss;
I look away from your lips,
Which I still want to kiss.
And yet you keep going,
Plucking notes from the air;
God-forsaken lips
Murmur Leave if you dare.
And I don't,
God, I won't,
Why would I leave this?
This feeling I have
Is absolute bliss.
I think I'm in love,
I'm in love with your hips;
I'm in love with your song;
I'm in love with your lips.
I'm in love with everything-
This feeling, too;
But I think, above all,
I'm in love with you.


@rainbooms311 's A/N: Hey! I'm Gracie (though I go by Melody), and I've been on Wattpad for a little over a year now; I mostly write poetry and short stories. I'm not used to writing love poems that don't have a darker aspect to them, so this was a little challenging for me- but it was still fun! And (though it's already passed) I hope every had a Happy Valentine's Day!
Also, due to many complaints from my mom, I'd like to say that this is literally just about a girl listening to someone singing

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