Chapter 3

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 Cedric breathed out a nervous breath. It was time to go. He opened the doors to his closet and reached behind all of his clothes to pull out a wooden chest. Opening it, he couldn't help but grin.

 Folded up in the box was his old armor, exactly what he felt most comfortable in. First he slipped on his dark leather breeches, followed by a pair of dark boots. Next, he equipped his chain mail cuirass, which went underneath his black tunic, with the sleeves ending at his elbows. Finally he took out his dark green cloak, slipping it on and putting the hood up. Stretching his arms and legs, he was instantly thankful for the flexibility; much better than that stupid steel armor.

 After putting everything back, he walked over to his dresser, where he picked up a bag of gold and deposited it into a small travelling bag, which also held a small amount of food and water. He swung it over his head and around his shoulder, then walked over to his bed, where he grabbed his sword from underneath and attached it to his belt. Now, he decided, he was ready to go.

 Cedric walked over to the window and opened it, letting the cool night breeze hit him like the waves of the ocean. Climbing out and crouching on the ledge, he took one last look at his room, then jumped out. Avaco certainly wouldn't have been happy about that. Right before he hit the ground, Cedric put out his hand and sent forth a powerful gust of wind, slowing his fall and letting him land safely. He was now out of the castle, and all he had to do was find a ship.

 The mage strolled through the town, carefully hiding his face, and eventually made it to the port. Dozens of beautiful, big ships lined the docks, all made out of dark oak and held together by steel. The sails flapped in the rough winds, signaling it may be less than a comfy ride. Making sure his face was still hidden, he made his way over to a man with a pipe hanging out of his mouth.

 "Hello sir, may I bother you for a moment of your time?" Cedric asked, grabbing the man's attention.

 He looked the boy over quickly before grinning, "Hello there lad, what can I do for you? Are you looking to book passage somewhere?"

 "Yes, that's exactly it. I was hoping you could take me to Bathon perhaps?"

 "Bathon, hmm? Sorry boy, I don't take that route," Cedric's heart sank, before hearing the man's next words. "However, maybe I can direct you to someone who does. Do you see that ship over there?" He pointed to a vessel a few rows down. "She can take you to where you need to go."

 Cedric nodded, "Thank you sir." He then fished out a few coins and gave them to the man, who graciously accepted them.

 He then walked over to the boat he was directed to and approached a woman in a brown and deep blue coat. A tricorn sat atop her mess of fiery red hair.

 "I heard you can take me to Bathon." Cedric said, getting right to the point.

 She turned around to reveal a face marked with scars and an eye patch over her left eye.

 "Yes, I can do that for ya. However I want double the usual cost. The sea is filled with tons of pirates, especially so on the path to Bathon."

 "Really? Why is that?" Asked Cedric, his curiosity piqued.

"Well,since the new king was claimed, trading with Sor'real has opened up. Not saying that's a bad thing of course, but it has led to more pirates attacking our cargo ships."

 "I... see. Well, back to the point I suppose. How much will it cost."

 "To get to Bathon is going to be around two days, if everything goes smoothly. So the rate, doubled, is seventy five coins."

 Cedric was about to scoff and ask why so low, but then he remembered. As king, he had access to a vast amount of money, However for the townspeople, seventy five would mean a lot of work and time just to get. He paid the woman, who introduced herself as Captain Messa, the required amount of gold. She led him onto the ship and down below into his own private quarters.

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