Chapter 8

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 Cedric and Celene walked along the dirt path, the calm breeze blowing through their hair. According to the map Cedric had been gifted, they still had a bit further to go until they would arrive in Vyron. Though, he couldn't complain as that meant spending more time with Celene. She was quietly humming to herself as they walked, choosing to indulge her eyes in the colorful flowers scattered about in the fields around them, which Cedric found amusing. The girl was so innocent, blissfully unaware of the beings that could attack them at any moment. Cedric frowned at the thought. Travelling with him would inevitability put her in danger, and he didn't know if she would be able to handle herself if she couldn't get to him in time. He had to make a point of asking her later, but right now he didn't want to ruin her mood. Still, thinking of danger made him pause. He wondered what was happening with his friends in Sor'real.

 "Why would Cedric do this?!" Avaco yelled in frustration. Even after the passing of a few days, the man was still enraged that his king had suddenly run off on him. Obviously he didn't know the mage, not the real him at least, as Xavier once again pointed out.

 The man sighed and propped his elbows on the table, resting his head on his fists. "Because that is just what he does, Avaco. He takes it upon himself to try and solve the problem on his own. Also, before he left Cedric seemed to be acting strange. I am sure you have all noticed. Maybe there is something that he just needs to take care of by himself?"

 Richard nodded and said, "Possibly. Still, as powerful as Cedric is, can he survive on his own in a land that's foreign to him? What if he encounters something that he can't deal with on his own?"

 Segir then stepped forwards. "That won't happen sir." He began. "Cedric has trained with assassins, and knights that have been trained to protect the king. He has more skill than any other person his age, and probably older. I trust that he will be able to handle anything out there and more."

 "You talk as though we are not going after him." Avaco looked around the room at everyone's plain expression. "We are going after our king, are we not?"

 "It would take a few days to get there, not counting the time it will take for the boat there to come back to town." Max explained to the worried man. "Plus we would have no way of knowing where he would even be once we get there. Besides, it isn't like we can just up and leave the town to fend for itself, not when we still have undead attacking. That would just put everyone in more danger."

 "So we are supposed to let him run off on his own? What if something happens?"

 "Nothing will happen to Cedric, as we've already discussed. He is able to fend for himself, not to mention he has the power of Valrex himself."

 Avaco seemed to be having to force himself to agree. "I suppose you all are right. Having witnessed his strength firsthand, I know what you say is true. However, that doesn't mean that when he comes back he isn't to be punished. He may be our king but he is still a child, and he also has more responsibility's  than anyone else. Leaving us so suddenly can't go unpunished."

 "I agree with you Avaco, but perhaps we can discuss that when he gets back, and all of this is said and done." Xavier said. "There is still much to go over. What can we do to protect the towns, Sor'real and our neighbors, how will we go about doing Cedric's duties, and what do we tell the Council of Magic should they decide to drop in like they always do? They don't exactly trust the boy now, so just imagine how they will react once they see that he is gone and nobody knows where he went off to."

 "Fine. For now I will focus mainly on the kingdom, but when Cedric comes back..."

 "I'll be right there with you." Max flashed a smile, with Xavier nodding in agreement. "For now however, I need to be getting back to the forge. I've been working on a few things, using my own knowledge and some blueprints left over from previous blacksmiths, that may help defend Sor'real. It will take time but I am already partly done. All I need to do after it is complete will be to charge it up with magic, and it should be up and running."

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