Chapter 11

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 "You're a mage." The boy repeated, walking over to the stunned girl. She still stood there with her arms outstretched, as if she couldn't believe what had just happened.

 "What... what does that even mean?" Celene asked, finally putting her hands down.

 "What that means is that I'm not alone." Cedric slowly answered, as in disbelief. She looked at him quizzically, and gestured for them to sit.

 "First off, do you know what a mage is?" He asked, and his friend shook her head. "Figures. Well, the mages were, or I suppose are, extremely powerful magic users. They can cast spells without saying a word, which is usually how one triggers their power, and their magic is stronger than, say, a normal spell caster. They were thought to be extinct a long time ago, until I was found not too long ago. I was the last mage but... not anymore. Now, you're here and I really don't know what that means."

 Celene looked at her hands, opening and closing them. "So then, I am like you? A... mage?"

 "Yes, it would seem so. You just cast a spell without even whispering a word, and since I can do that it shows you are like me."

 "I see. Erm, what exactly am I supposed to do with this knowledge? It's a lot to take in knowing that you have an abundance of power, and that you are one of the last of your kind."

 Cedric stood, pulling the girl with him. "That's up to you. You have more magic in your fingertips than most have in their whole body. You could either be a great hero, or a terrifying villain. The choice is yours to decide."

 Celene looked to the ground and muttered, "Can I continue to travel with you while I learn?"

 "Of course. We're friends after all." The boy grinned.

 "Y- yeah, you're right. Now, I suppose we should get back on the road, huh?"

 Cedric nodded and they continued their journey together.

 It didn't take long for the two to find Vyron. After a bit more sparring and talking, they climbed a hill and were met with the site of a giant stone wall which looked to be surrounding a huge city. They walked until they came to a double door with two guards posted in front of it.

 "Halt," one started. "who are you and why do you wish to enter Vyron?" It seemed that the knights here were vigilant, almost more so than the ones in Sor'real. Not saying the ones there were bad at their jobs, of course.

 "We are just simple travelers wishing to find a place to stay." Cedric replied, his cloak flapping in the cool breeze. "We saw this city in the distance and figured that it would be a fine place to rest."

 "Hmm... well, I suppose that should be fine. Just watch yourselves alright? We don't need any troublemakers here, there's more than enough of those."

 Cedric nodded and the guard motioned for his partner to open the gate. Grunting, they walked around the corner, and after hearing a strange noise the gate started to open.

 'We should get some of those in Sor'real.' Cedric mused as he and Celene entered the city.

 All around them was a sight to behold. Buildings made of stone bricks surrounded them in every direction, all of them having ocean blue roofs. The road was made of what looked to be limestone, and if one looked close enough they would see the blades of grass creeping through the cracks. The two came to what appeared to be a little market plaza, with all of the stands surrounding a well. One of the stall owners beckoned to them, and so they walked over to her.

 "Hello, hello young ones. Welcome to my humble shop." The woman greeted, inclining her head. "Care to take a look at my wares?"

 Not wanting to be rude, Cedric said, "Not at all." And that was how he ended up buying Celene a moon shaped necklace.

 'Hmph, so that's how they get you." The boy grumbled mentally, then sighed. 'At least it wasn't too expensive, and she seems content.' He looked over at his friend and saw her fingering the crescent shape, smiling as she did so.

 The pair walked around a bit more, taking in the sights and talking to the people, before deciding to find an inn to rest in.

 "I suppose that after today, our paths diverge." Celene said suddenly as the two walked. It had begun to get dark, and people were making their way home.

 "Huh? Why is that?" Cedric asked.

 "We're in Vyron, where we both needed to go. The plan was to accompany each other here, and we've made it. Now we need to do what we came here for. You need to find Calum, and I... I need to figure out who am I."

 Cedric laughed and Celene whirled around to look at him. Did he think that was funny? "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just, why would that mean we have to split up? I agreed to train you and help you find out who you are. Even if I hadn't, we're friends. That means I have your back."

 "Do you... do you really mean that Cedric?" Celene asked, hands clasped together at her chest.

 "Of course I do. Tomorrow, I'll go search around the outskirts of Vyron for any caverns and such, and while I do that you look for whatever you need. If I get back before dark I'll help you out in anyway I can."

"T- thank you so much." The new mage smiled as she teared up.

 "Hey, it's no prob-" The boy was cut off as Celene rushed forwards and embraced him. Face red, he didn't know what to do and just stood there paralyzed. After a few moments, Celene backed up and looked away.

 "I- I am so sorry, that was inappropriate." She apologized and walked past him. "We should continue to find a place to rest."

 Cedric just stood there, cursing himself for not being able to react. "I am such an idiot." He muttered, rubbing his face as he followed Celene.

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