Chapter 2: The Diner

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Krissy's Point of View
I struggled to get out of bed. My body yearned for more sleep. It was the Monday after the dreaded party. I spent all weekend doing homework, hoping to forget about the party. The hangover definitely didn't help. My mom thought I was just getting sick with a cold.

To make it worse, Blake wouldn't stop texting me, which didn't help my predicament. I had to shut my phone off because he kept sending message after message. I don't know what he wants. He just keeps sending stuff like "call me. lets hang? babe text me back". I didn't realize he was so clingy. Girls always say that he never even messages them back.

I walked over to my closet to choose my outfit for the day. I grabbed a pair of dark wash jeans and a plain red short sleeved t-shirt. I slid them on, grabbing my pair of not so white Vans too.

"Krissy! School!" My mom shouted. I quickly ran into my bathroom, throwing up my hair into a high ponytail. I brushed my teeth and walked out of my bathroom. Grabbing my plain black backpack, I ran down the stairs.

"I'm here." I said to my mom between breaths. Dang. I really needed to go to the gym. How could I get tired just running down the stairs?

"Sit. Breakfast is ready." Mom ordered. I nodded. She set a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me with toast on the side. I grabbed a piece of bread, biting into it, as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I told my mom. I got up from my seat, walking to the front door. I opened it, revealing my best friend. She had a worried look on her face.

"Thank god you haven't left." She said walking in. She turned to look at me. Worried lines on her perfectly done make-up face.

"Um hi?" I said confused. Why was she here? I would usually meet her at school. I love driving my car. It's an old Toyota Corolla but I didn't care. My parents bought it for me as my sixteenth birthday present. I was not expecting it.

"Okay good. You are wearing something not flashy." She said inspecting my outfit. I looked down. I didn't see anything wrong with it. It's what I wore every day. I didn't go to school dressed for some fashion show. I went to learn and finish school so I could become a lawyer.

I don't understand how some girls wear heels and skirts every day. Don't they get uncomfortable in them? Morgan wears them and she complains after the day. I just don't get why they torture themselves.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"We need to make sure Blake doesn't recognize you. He met you wearing my clothes. You had makeup on and your hair was done." Morgan said. I nodded. Yes, that was all true. I'm sure he would have never looked my way if I was dressed as my regular self.

"We just need to make sure you never cross paths with him. He won't be able to recognize you at first but if he stares long enough, he will." Morgan said. I felt my heart beating fast. I did not want to run into him. I had no clue what we did, but I knew I did not want to relive it. Whatever happened with Blake was a huge mistake, one I never want to repeat.

"Now come on." Morgan said walking out the front door.

"Alright. Let me grab my stuff." I said walking back into my kitchen. My mom was washing the dishes.

"Who is it?" My mom asked when she saw me walk in.

"Morgan. She dropped something off. I'm going to school now." I said. I took a bite from my eggs before placing the rest in the trash. I handed the dish to my mom.

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