Chapter 13: The Pictures

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Krissy's Point of View
I paced my room back and forth. The nerves were beginning to take over my mind. Blake was coming over in a few minutes and I was freaking out. I have never had a guy in my room before, or in my house. I was more than nervous.

How was I supposed to act? Was I supposed to have a bunch of food? Was he going to try anything on me? I know he likes Kate. So he shouldn't try to kiss me or anything, right?

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the doorbell ring. I looked in the mirror and saw my messy ponytail and plain purple t-shirt with skinny jeans. I was so not dressing up for this. This was nothing special.

I tightened my ponytail before jogging out of my room. Blake continued to press the doorbell, making me annoyed. How do I stand this boy? I walked into the living room and straight to the door. I swung open the door, revealing my annoyance. He was standing there with a smirk, as if he knew my current emotion.

"About damn time." Blake said walking in. I rolled my eyes. He's so dramatic.

"Thanks for the unwanted music." I said. He only smirked.

"I didn't want to freeze sweetheart." He said taking off his leather jacket. He was left in a pair of dark wash jeans and a long olive green sweater. He placed his jacket on the back of the sofa before taking a seat.

"Anyway," I said ignoring his comment. "Ready to work?"

"Sure. Do you have ESPN?" Blake asked as he reached for the remote. I sighed. We were not going to work. I knew better than to expect him to cooperate 100%.

"Yeah. Channel 206." I said in defeat. He was supposed to come over to help with our Spanish project. I had finished about half of the script last night after the diner.

We came up with the idea of having us act out a scene of me working in the diner and him being a guest. Blake actually came up with it. He said it was ironic since it was true. He comes in way too often. So after we got some of the dialogue, I got straight to work. It wasn't that difficult since we had simple lines. The only hard part was making sure I have the correct endings to the verbs. Blake did help in translating some of the words. Although he was mostly looking up bad words. But, what more could I expect coming from the bad boy.

"Yes. The Patriots are on." Blake said. He turned up the volume and focused his attention on the screen. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the living room. I went into the kitchen to grab snacks. If I was being forced to watch a football game, I needed chips and dip. I opened the pantry and took out a bag of original Lays. I then went to the fridge and took out some sour cream dip and two cans of Coke.

I took my things into the living room before setting it down on the coffee table. Blake looked over at me and widened his eyes. I grabbed one of the cans and handed it to him.

"Thanks." He said with a sincere smile. My insides turned to mush at the small gesture. I know that Blake will never like this side of me, but my small crush was beginning to grow. I was liking him a little more. I stopped seeing the bad in him and started seeing the good.

After our date a few nights ago, I found myself thinking of him. I'd be laying in bed and his blond locks and blue eyes would pop into my head. I continued to replay the scene where he almost kissed me. I wanted him to kiss me but I knew he couldn't. I couldn't let myself fall for him. He was probably only with me to get me in bed, like a challenge. But my heart was beginning to take control, forgetting to let my brain have a say.

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