Chapter 3: The Chick

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Krissy's Point of View
I put the drinking glasses down on the counter, turning around. Only I stopped when I heard someone behind me.

"Weren't you at my party?" The deep, attractive voice asked. Crap. What do I say? He can't know that I was at his party. He can't know it's me!

"No. I've never seen you before?" I said. Hopefully Blake doesn't recognize me from the party or from class. I don't think he even knows we have Spanish together. He spent the entire class flirting with the girl he sat next to.

"Are you sure? You look familiar." He said studying me. I shook my head. There is no way I am telling you who I am. I felt uncomfortable under his stare.

"No. I'm sure I would know if I met you." I said. He studied me some more before walking away. Once he sat down in his booth, I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he's clueless.

"He's hot." Hannah said from beside me. I stared at her. Is she serious? Where did she even come from? Was she here the whole time? "What? He is." She defended. I rolled my eyes.

"So not helping." I said. She let out a laugh before walking away to lean against the counter. I reached for two cups, filling them up with Blake and Adrianna's drinks. I grabbed them, walking towards the booth. She stayed behind the counter, admiring Blake. Doesn't she have a boyfriend?

"Here you go." I said setting the glasses down on the table. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Can I have a cheeseburger and fries?" Blake said. I wrote it down, feeling his eyes on me. I felt a shiver creep up my neck. I ignored it, turning to look at Adrianna.

"And you?" I asked her. She looked up from the menu.

"Caesar salad please." She said. I nodded. She took her phone out of her purse and began to text. completely ignoring me again.

"Your order will be out soon." I said walking away. I put their order in, feeling my phone vibrate. I looked around and saw Blake looking at me. His phone was in his hand. I left my own phone in my pocket. He'll suspect me if I check it.

"Order up!" Our cook said after a couple of minutes. I dropped the rag I was using to wipe the counter and grabbed the plates of food, carrying it back to their table.

"Here you go. Anything else I can get for you guys?" I asked. Adrianna was sucked into her phone, she didn't hear me. Blake stared without saying anything. I felt awkward. "Um i'll be back to check on you."

"Are you sure I don't know you?" Blake asked again as I turned away from his booth. I chuckled, trying to hide my nerves. I slightly turned back to reply.

"I'm pretty sure." I said leaving. I walked into the back room, letting out a sigh in relief. I felt my phone buzz again. I decided to check it. I was alone. He wouldn't know.

just met some chick that kinda looks a lot like you

I gasped. Oh no. He has to know that it's me. Oh my god. What do I do? Do I deny it or tell him it's me? I didn't know what to say, so I replied back something I would never be caught doing. I flirted.

doubt it. i'm one of a kind(;

I pressed send, feeling my nerves shoot through the roof. That should hold him for a while, especially because I do not flirt. Flirting is not in my nature; it never has been. Actually, I have never needed to flirt. I don't know how to flirt. So i'm hoping that was flirting. That was flirting, right? Right. Kate would know how to flirt.

I put my phone back into my pocket, walking out of the storage room. I still had a job to do. I can't stay here and hide, and text him. That would be suspicious. I needed to act as normal as possible. Well as normal as I am.

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