Chapter 8: The Story

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Blake's Point of View
"Hey twin brother." Sophie said with a smirk. I stood their, gaping at her petite figure and her short brown hair. I still couldn't believe that she was still here. My mom must have fucked up to let here come. I wonder what she did.

"Soph." I said. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. It felt weird having my little sister here with me. We haven't been like this since the summer before junior year. My dad went on a business trip and he didn't trust me to stay home alone. So, I was shipped off to my mom's for the summer. This was when my life turned really bad.

"So big brother, are you going to help me?" Sophie said pulling away. I nodded. I reached for Asher's shoulder but he was already at her car. She opened the trunk and things started to fall out. It was mostly clothes and shoes, all packed in tightly. We eached grabbed a box and made the trek into the house.

"How have you been Asher?" Sophie asked him. We were in her plain white room. She was hanging things in her closet as Asher helped unpack things. I was sitting on her bed studying her.

She seemed different. Like happier different. Usually she was a snobby brat considering who she lives with. Now, she's super nice and timid. Something must of happened for her to change.

"Great. Keeping your brother the best I can out of trouble." Asher chuckled. I rolled my eyes. Please, i'm not trouble. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I quickly slid it out and saw the name I have been missing. It was Kate.

sorry about not replying these last few weeks

I quickly typed an answer back. I was going to text her for as long possible. For some reason, I have missed her.

hey babe, i missed you

I texted back. I looked up to see my sister smiling at Asher. I frowned. They were getting too cozy for my liking. Before I could say anything to them, my phone buzzed.

oh really? i couldnt tell by the constant messaging(;

I chuckled, causing the other two people in the room to look at me.

"Whatcha doing brother?" Sophie asked. She had a small smirk on her face.

"Texting." I said. I looked down at my phone. I was about to reply when I felt my phone being ripped from my hands.

Sophie was holding it as she scrolled through the messages. Her smirk was growing even wider. Asher looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"Give it back!" I shouted. I lunged at her but she only ran into her bathroom, locking the door behind her.

"Does my twin brother have a girlfriend?" She cooed from the other side of the door. I pounded on the door, hoping she'd open it.

"No." I said. I did not have a girlfriend. This girl barely even talks to me.

"Wait, you have a girl? This makes so much sense." Asher said in disbelief. I frowned. What is he talking about?

"Sophie!" I said ignoring Asher. She quickly unlocked the door and handed me my phone.

"You're welcome." She said sashaying out of the room. Asher raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to respond. I looked down at the phone and saw that she texted Kate.

i just miss hearing your voice and seeing your gorgeous face. let me take you out?

I stood there gaping. Had she really just asked out Kate? There is no way she's going to say yes. I've been trying to hook up with her for almost two months now. There's no way that she says yes only because my sister showed up in my life again. It's not possible.

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