Chapter 25

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( Kaylee's POV)

I look at my phone hoping for Andys name to appear, I haven't heard from him in days. I'm worried about him ever since that bitch has the police looking for him , I go to my messages and press her name.

" Hey girly,I"ll pick you up at 2 okay?" a few minutes later my phone buzzed.

" Oh, I totally forgot... Can we re-schedule ? " I clenched my fist .

" oh sure no problem ...."

" How about a sleep over tonight to make up for it, we can invite Lauren too!"

" Awesome! What time do you want me over?"

" How about 8? "

" Perfect." I replied back I set my phone down and a grin grew on my face , I picked my phone up and see Andy calling me .

" You won't believe what I have in mind."

( Madision's POV)

I woke up in Daniel's apartment I reached next to me and nothing was there , I sit right up in bed and looked around the room. I pulled the covers off me and opened the bedroom door , I walked in the kitchen no one was there. The living room no one was there, I looked around the apartment ,he wasn't any where. 

I grabbed my phone off the table and look at the time, it's almost noon. I sat on the couch and turn on the tv , I was about to call him when the door opened up.

My Assignment Was To Fall In Love With My Teacher?(1st Book) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now