15. At least they are awesome!

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Samaah's P.O.V

The ride from home to the Hamid residence was nerve-wracking. We were following behind Samiha and Asif. I kept my eyes glued on Asif's car ahead of us and neither Arif nor I said a single word throughout the ride. To say that the ride was awkward was a huge understatement.

We finally reached the palace after a half an hour drive which felt like eternity. Arif opened his car door and got out and I followed suit. He wordlessly opened his trunk and pulled out my suitcase. He was about to pick it up, when I went to take it myself and he stopped me.

"I'll carry it for you," he said shortly. That was the first time ever he had spoken to me directly.

"No, it's alri-" I began to say but I was interrupted.

"I said I'll take it," he snapped. I just zipped my mouth and let him carry it.

He led the way through the pathway. Right ahead of us Asif was walking with Samiha behind him. I wanted to call her and make her wait for me so that we could walk together but I knew better than to do that because Arif had already snapped at me once, showing me his true colours the first time we ever talked. He could have told me politely but no, he chose to snap at me. That just made me wonder, how am I going to spend my whole life with this guy?

When Asif and Samiha entered the house, they left the door open for us. We also got in and I noticed that Asif took a different flight of stairs from Arif. I wondered why, then I realised that this house was so huge so their rooms must have been extremely far from one another. I was right. Arif had led me through a maze of corridors and when we finally reached his room, which was bedroom 3, I noticed that the rooms near his were bedroom 8, bedroom 13, bedroom 17, bedroom 21, and bedroom 26.
Arif opened the door to his room to reveal the biggest bedroom I had personally ever seen in my life. The theme was beige and white. The huge king-sized bed was covered with a comfy-looking beige and white duvet. There was expensive looking furniture which was all beige, as were the curtains. There was a closed door which I figured would lead to the ensuite restroom. As I was looking around admiring his room, my eyes fell to the corner and my mouth hung open. This guy had a whole snack-bar in his room! Basically, it consisted of a small microwave oven, a mini-fridge and a whole rack of pre-cooked foods. I wondered what would be inside the fridge. My eyes then wandered around his room once more and I saw a long table, which had several brand new computers placed on it. There were laptops, desktops and tablets. The table also had a series of drawers where I assumed he kept his phones. This guy was truly obsessed with technology.

As I walked around his room, taking in my surroundings, a voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Done exploring? I know, my room is amazingly awesome but you have a whole lifetime to look around. I want to sleep, so if you don't mind, get ready for bed because I want to turn off the lights," Arif said, arrogantly. Wow, this guy was a piece of work. I didn't answer him, and instead, wordlessly opened my suitcase and pulled out my pajamas. Without me asking, he pointed to the ensuite bathroom and I went there to get changed. When I came out, he was already changed in a pair of shorts and a muscle hugging tee. I resisted the urge to ogle at him by thinking about what a brat he was being. That was enough to make me not want to look at him at all. He then got on the bed and so did I.

"Wake me up for Fajr. I normally keep an alarm but since you're here now, make yourself of use," he ordered. Wow, it took me every little bit of effort to not hate this guy. He was lucky I wasn't Samiha, or I would have definitely snapped at him by now. I simply nodded and fell asleep.

The next morning, my phone vibrated to wake me up for Fajr and I immediately jumped, expecting to be in my own room with Samiha opposite me. But to my disappointment, I found myself in a whole different room with a man sleeping next to me.

"Arif! Arif, it's Fajr time. Wake up," I called out to him. He didn't respond. I called again and no response. I contemplated on what to do, and then, with all the courage I could muster, I held his shoulder and shook him. "Arif, wake up. It's Fajr time."

His eyes shot open and he sat up. I got up and went to perform ablution in the washroom. When I was done, he followed.

"Hey, uh, listen. Thanks for...you know, waking me up," he said. It looked like he had to put in a lot of effort to thank me. "Do that everyday from now," he ordered, returning back to his cold self.

"No problem. That's my duty from now on," I replied, not looking at him.

We prayed and went back to sleep. I woke up again at seven o'clock in the morning to get ready for university. My in-laws and my parents had agreed that since it was my last year of university, they would let me complete it. As for Samiha, she had left her job. She didn't really mind because she had her degree and that's what mattered. My parents wanted the same for me, that atleast I should have a degree and thankfully, my in-laws didn't mind at all. In fact, they were going to pay my expense for the university. I was about to leave when I took a look at Arif. He was still fast asleep. I wondered what time he usually woke up.

When I went down, I met my parents-in-law. I greeted them and we sat to have breakfast.

"So Samaah, how are you doing, dear?" Mr. Hamid asked.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah Mr. Hamid," I replied.

"I'm hope Arif didn't trouble you much. And please, call me dad from now on," he said.

"Okay, dad," I answered.

"Samaah, we know that you have university to go to right now. The thing is, Arif wakes up really late so you can't count on him to drop you. Do you know how to drive?" Mrs. Hamid asked.

"Yes I do, Mrs. Hamid. Back home, I used to drive my brother's car occasionally." I replied.

"Samaah darling, do you realise how funny it sounds that you call my husband dad and me Mrs. Hamid? You're going to call me mum from now," she said, smiling. I laughed and nodded. "Anyway, listen, we are giving you and Samiha a car each. So that you can be independent. I hope you're fine with that?"

Fine with that? Are you serious? I was overjoyed. It took me all I could to keep my excitement down and stop myself from dancing happily.

"Of course. Thank you so much, I would love that," I said, gratefully.

"Here you go," my father-in-law said, handing me my car keys.

"JazakAllah Khair," I replied.

After finishing my breakfast and saying goodbye to my new parents, I stepped out of the palace. My father-in-law had already asked one of his valets to show me my car, so I followed him to the parking lot. There were literally about fifty cars there. I knew these people were rich, but whoa! Who drives them all? And they looked new. The valet led me to a brand new Mercedes-Benz.

"This is your new car, Mrs. Arif," he said. I squealed in delight and he looked at me, amused at my excitement.

"Thank you so much. If you don't mind, could you show me my sister's car?" I asked. He nodded and walked past two other cars. Then he stood in front of another brand new car which was an Aston Martin.

"Here is your sister's car," he said. It was gorgeous. But I loved my car a lot more. I went back, got in the driver's seat and drove off to university. On my way, I was just thinking about how nice my in-laws were to me. They were rich but they didn't show off. They weren't arrogant. They weren't lazy. They were perfectly amazing. Their sons on the other hand, were something else. From the way Arif had behaved with me last night, I wasn't impressed. I knew it was going to take a long time for me to get used to his big-headedness. But I already loved my parents-in-law and sisters-in-law. At least they are awesome!


First day of Samaah at her new home. So this is just a glimpse of what her life was going to be like with Arif. I really feel like shaking some sense into Arif. Why is he so arrogant? Ughhhh!

Anyway, have a nice day and please comment and vote.

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