39. I really was the most useless and terrible person alive.

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We sat in the car, and I knew better than to even utter a word to Asiyah. She might seem shy and reserved and quiet, but when she got angry, she became something else completely. As I had told Arif, I was the one driving.

Asiyah's words earlier made me feel like the most useless and terrible person alive. And from the way I had been with my wife, whom I really didn't deserve because I was no good for her, I really was the most useless and terrible person alive.

Those two sisters had done so much since they came into mine and Arif's lives and not once, until today's incident did we appreciate them.

For starters, they sacrificed their own happiness and dreams for their father's sake and married us. I knew from Aliyah's constant ranting that every girl had a dream to get a husband who would make her feel special and love her and cherish her. Yet here were my brother and I who did nothing of the sort for our wives.

Then, they actually made an effort to change us. And they managed to do so. Even my own parents hadn't been able to get us to shape up, yet these girls did. And now, thanks to them, we were better even in the eyes of Allah, our Creator, because Allah hated laziness, and I wasn't lazy anymore. And Allah hated arrogance and Arif wasn't arrogant anymore.

These two girls also fulfilled each and every responsibility they had towards us as our wives while we did not even appreciate that. We didn't even bother to develop any strong feelings for them because we never did any of our duties as their husbands.

Then, the sisters took all of Asiyah's stalker problems in their own hands. They literally got our sister married. Something that was ideally the duty of a girl's family to do, yet they didn't hesitate to get their own brother in the picture for the sake of their sister-in-law. And what made me feel worse was the way Saamih's voice rang in my ears: 'how can you be so careless about your wives?'. Saamih, who had willingly gotten married to our sister and loved her the way a husband should love his wife, must have been so hurt at the fact that we decided to put his sisters and our wives secondary. I felt so stupid and so disgusted by myself at the fact that we literally thought that it was more important to report Yan than to help Saamih in finding Samaah and Samiha's whereabouts.

And then, lastly, the girls went out of their way in getting this evidence. It is quite obvious that Yan wouldn't say these things openly, so in order to get these recordings, they would have had to sneak up on him, risking everything. Because from all that he said, he was a dangerous person who wouldn't hesitate to kill them if he caught them. The evidence they got did not only help us in getting Yan arrested and made us realise that it was him who killed almost our whole family, but it also saved Uncle Habib's, dad's, and mine and Arif's lives.

Although initially I couldn't understand how and why Samaah and Samiha ended up in a car crash, after hearing the audio recording for the second time, it dawned on me that Yan wanted to kill Uncle Habib today only via crashing his car. So that could only mean that Samaah and Samiha, in order to prevent their dad from taking his car, would have taken it instead, risking their lives to save their father's, and as a result, dad's, mine and Arif's lives. And then, Yan's men, seeing the number plate of the car would have crashed the car with the girls in it. Yet, I couldn't figure out why they couldn't just warn their father not to take his car. I voiced my theory and my question to Arif as I drove.

"Your theory makes sense. As for why they took the car instead of warning Uncle Habib on not to take his car, knowing how Samiha and Samaah are, to save someone or to help someone, they wouldn't even think things through. Like their marriage to us for instance. To help their father, they agreed, putting him before themselves. So they must have just taken it in the spur of the moment due to the desperacy of saving their dad," Arif replied.

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