41. Allah doesn't let any prayer go unanswered.

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I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has read my story, voted for it, commented on it and liked it so far. You guys really REALLY mean a lot to me. I just wanted to appreciate you. Thank you sooooo much! I can't express my gratitude towards you all! I hope you continue reading the story and enjoy it. Thanks guys! ❤❤


I was breathing heavily. Arif had made me sit down and then he left. In a way, I wish he could stay with me because it was only him who would give me moral support. Yet, I knew it was important for him to go see Samaah. According to dad, Samiha was in the O.T for more than four hours. I felt pathetic because for all that time, I wasn't even here for her. And now is when I arrived. Only to find out that she might not make it out of there alive.

Ya Allah! Please save my wife! Please Ya Allah don't let me lose her just when I realised how precious she is, how important she is. I promise you I will love her and cherish her with all my heart, I prayed in my mind.

A little while later, Saamih arrived with his mother. Immediately, my own mum looked at her friend.

"Naila, were you able to donate the blood? What happened?" Mum asked.

Aunt Naila looked at mum with tired eyes, and gave her a small smile. "Yes, Alhamdulillah, I donated the blood, Marwa. Lets just pray that In sha Allah, they manage to save my daughter."

"In sha Allah, they will," I murmured quietly. No one heard me.

"Nothing will happen to her, Naila. Allah is with us. Don't you worry, He will take care of her!" Mum said, with determination.

"He will," aunt Naila replied.

Saamih's eyes fell on me and he gave me a small glare before looking away. I knew I deserved it. Here was the man who looked after my sister and loved her the way she deserves to be looked after and loved. And here was I, the one who treated his sister as if she wasn't even important. I truly did feel ashamed of myself.

Saamih held his mother's hand and made her sit next to Asiyah. After making her sit, he left the seating area, and I assumed he was going to the ward to look at Samaah.

I leaned my head against the back of the wall as I sat, and closed my eyes. I repeatedly recited du'ahs and prayers for Samiha to be saved. Clearly, if her ribs were broken, if there was a lot of head injury, if her arm was fractured and she had lost a lot of blood, the procedure would be very long. What worried me the most was the head injury and blood loss. These are the ones that I assumed made the doctors feel that they wouldn't be able to save her. How bad was the head injury? And just how much blood did she lose? I couldn't help but wonder. I just prayed that her mother's blood would help her.

I don't know how long I sat with my head against the wall, but I did know that it felt like forever. A voice startled me and I opened my eyes to look at two doctors standing before dad.

"Mr. Hamid, the operation is complete," one of them began. And what happened? Did she survive? "I'm afraid that the patient has slipped into coma, just like her sister. But unlike her sister, she is not out of danger." Ya Allah! She's not out of danger?! Does that mean Samiha's condition hasn't improved and there's a chance she might not wake up from coma? I was unable to breathe properly. It took me all the effort to not have an anxiety attack. "Unfortunately, there's a very high risk that she might not wake up from coma," the doctor went on, confirming my suspicion. "See, although we managed to give her a blood transfusion, she had already lost a lot of blood. What makes things worse is her head injury. Her brain has been severely affected and while she's in coma, if her brain doesn't recover soon enough, she won't be able to survive. All you can do now is pray for her. There's no telling how long she will be in coma for or if she'll even ever wake up or not." With that, he went back into the O.T.

A million thoughts ran through my head. Okay, so Samaah was also in coma, but the thing is, Samaah was out of danger! The only problem with Samaah was the fact that she might wake up with post-traumatic amnesia! But my wife? My wife might not even wake up from her coma!

May Allah forbid, if Samiha doesn't wake up, would that mean I'll never get a chance to apologise to her? To treat her well and treasure her the way she deserves? No, no! Ya Allah, please don't let that happen! Give me one chance Ya Allah. Please, give me a chance. Give me a chance to do all that I couldn't do for her. Save her Ya Allah. I need her. Only now do I realise how important Samiha was. If I wouldn't have married her, Yan would have killed dad, and then he would have killed me and my brother. If I wouldn't have married her, my sister would be under the blackmailing and harassment of a stalker. If I wouldn't have married her, I would still be a lazy, big-headed prick with whom You wouldn't be pleased. So please save my wife Ya Allah because I need her.

I promised myself I'll always talk to her, even if she didn't want to talk to me. I would praise and compliment her. I would spend time with her. I would make her feel special. And most importantly, I wouldn't deny, but rather, act on my growing feelings towards her.

A while later, the nurses wheeled Samiha out of the O.T on a stretcher and before I even realised what I was doing, I got up immediately and rushed towards the stretcher. There she lay, unconscious. Despite the horrible bruises on her face, she was still beautiful. I always found her beautiful but I had too much of an ego to tell her that. Her arm was in a massive cast, and she had a thick bandage wrapped around her head, and several wounds and injuries on her free arm. She looked lifeless. The hospital gown made her look so vulnerable and weak. I couldn't believe my eyes that she was in such a bad state. I felt like beating myself up. As the nurses wheeled her away, the doctors came out of the O.T, and were both removing their masks. I rushed over to them immediately.

"Doc, where are they taking my wife?" I asked.

"To the intensive care unit. She will be there until she regains consciousness. If she regains consciousness, that is," he said.

"If she regains consciousness, that is". His words rang in my ears making me feel uneasy. Now, I guess I only had one way to deal with all my tension and worries.

Without a word to anyone else, I decided to go to the mosque. I made sure I prayed all my five salaahs but I didn't always pray at the mosque. So, that is exactly where I wanted to go. Feeling my pocket for my car keys, I took them out and left the hospital building for the mosque.

The verse from the Qur'an kept on repeating itself in my head: You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help [Qur'an, Surah 1, Ayah 5]. The doctors themselves had said that all we could do was to pray for her. Indeed, nothing else could save her, no one else could save her, except Allah. And therefore, it was only Allah whom we could ask for help from. And Allah doesn't let any prayer go unanswered. Whether He responds to it immediately, or not, but He knows what we know not. I could rest assured that Allah had heard my prayers and He will continue to hear them, as long as I asked Him for help.


Writing this chapter was sooo harddddd 😭😭

Anyway, I know it is a short chapter. I can't help it.

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