Chapter 32 - Coffee Revelations

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Luca POV

I followed Walker down the stairwell as we headed to our meeting with Natalie. Since Blythe still didn't trust either one of them, I found it was easier to leave her out of our planning. I could understand from where her fears stemmed, but I would lay down my life for either of my friends, and I knew that they would do the same. I couldn't dream of a world where either one would cross me.

We reached the small café in the corner of the hotel lobby, but Natalie was nowhere to be seen. Following Walker's lead, I crossed the café to a vacant table. A waitress quickly arrived, not at all discreet as she checked out Walker and me. We ordered our breakfast and waited for Natalie to arrive.

"So..." Walker began, allowing his word to just hang in the air. He wasn't a man who wasted time chatting about mundane, every day topics, so I knew he had something on his mind.

"Spit it out, Zane," I ordered, sipping my bitter coffee. I grimaced and glared at the offending cup.

He looked uncomfortable for a moment and ran his hand nervously through his blonde hair. He looked at me, his blue eyes filled with guilt, and my heart sank. Was I too quick to defend him to myself and Blythe?

"I slept with Natalie," he confessed.

Relief flooded me along with a good dose of confusion. Why the hell would he feel guilty about that?

"And you are telling me this because?" I prompted.

"It breaks the code," he sighed. "I sneaked out of her room this morning. I'm so sorry, Luc."

I just stared, waiting for the punch line.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked. "Was it good?"

His eyes turned molten, and his answer was practically a growl.

"It was un-fucking-believable," he admitted," but she's your first love. It shouldn't have happened."

I couldn't help myself. I burst into riotous laughter, drawing attention from the few patrons that were having breakfast at such an ungodly hour.

"My first love?" I chuckled. "Where do you get this shit?"

"You guys were high school sweethearts, right?" he asked, his tone perturbed.

"Yeah, if you could call it that." I continued to grin at my idiot partner.

"Didn't you tell me that she was your first?" His eyes were wide, and he stared at me like I had lost my mind.

"Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean we were in love or anything," I told him seriously. "Nat and I grew up together, so it was natural for us to become boyfriend and girlfriend. When we turned fifteen, we thought we were too old to be virgins, so we decided to lose it to each other," I explained.

Walker looked at me expectantly, his large fingers playing with the dainty handle of his coffee cup. I groaned, knowing I needed to explain further.

"Zane, it was awkward and uncomfortable. We had no spark, and it was single-handedly the most embarrassing moment in my life. We literally broke up the next day and have been just friends for the last decade."

"You didn't carry a torch for her?"

I laughed again. "What the hell, man? Have you been reading romance novels when I wasn't looking?!?"

Walker glared at me. "Just answer the question. You never loved her?"

"Not as anything more than a sister or a best friend," I answered confidently, letting him read the honesty in my eyes. "You have my total blessing," I smirked. "Although I don't know how much good that will do you. She's gonna be pissed that you skipped out this morning."

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