Chapter 48 - The Future is Now

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***This is it! :) The last actual chapter of the story. I will be posting an epilogue that gives you a little insight into Blythe and Luca's journey six months from now, two years from now, and three years from now. It will also set up some possibilities for spin-off stories. Hope you enjoy!***


Luca POV

I stood in the lobby of the hospital's first floor and watched through the window as she walked to me, hips swaying in a sultry rhythm, putting on a show of confidence that I knew from years of friendship wasn't real. Trailing just a few feet behind her was her loyal lapdog, Agent Eastcott, dressed like an agent from the movie Men In Black.

I kind of liked the guy. He seemed to be one of the good ones, and I hoped he would look after one of my best friends. She needed it. There had been a sadness in her eyes the last few days that she refused to acknowledge.

As the whoosh of the sliding glass door echoed through the empty atrium, Natalie lifted her sunglasses, setting them on her head to hold back her wavy, dark mane. Eastcott silently came to a stop behind her left shoulder, and stood almost robotically, observing the room and scanning the perimeter.

"We're headed out on the next flight," Natalie announced, her voice lacking its usual warmth.

I lifted my hand and rested it on her shoulder, leaning forward to ensure she looked me in the eye.

"Nat, you should stay and talk to him. He's been back for three days, and you've yet to say one word to him," I murmured. "Walker wasn't the bad guy. He didn't go rogue."

Her eyes narrowed, but they glistened as she answered me. "Walker may have been on the right team this whole time, but that doesn't change the fact that there is NOTHING for me to discuss with him."

Her lips grew tight as she closed her mouth, and I could see a slight tick in her cheek. I cupped her face with my palm.

"I don't think he'd agree," I spoke softly, "but it's your choice, Nat." I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "You know I've always got your back, babe," I promised, pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her waist.

Natalie squeezed tightly for a moment, before taking a deep breath and stepping out of my embrace. She smoothed her skirt and lowered her sunglasses once more.

"I'm glad you found your forever, Luca."

Natalie's smile was small, but genuine. She turned and motioned to Eastcott, who abruptly followed her out the door. Walker was going to be pissed that she left, and I didn't relish being the one to tell him when he returned from the police station.

When I finally made my way back to Blythe's hospital room, I saw her parents and sister stepping into the hallway. Mr. & Mrs. Conners smiled at me, and Farrah stepped forward for a hug.

"We're headed to the cafeteria for a bite to eat. Want us to bring you anything?"

"I'm fine, Farrah," I answered with a squeeze, "but thanks for asking."

I stepped into the room to find Blythe sitting at the edge of the bed, legs hanging toward the floor, and her arm gripping her side. She grimaced, and I knew she still hurt, even with the strong pain medication. She was still bruised and battered, but the glow had returned to her cheeks and she was on the mend. She'd never looked more beautiful to me.

Almost of their own volition, my feet moved toward this specimen of perfection. I leaned over to press my lips to hers in a searing kiss. I traced her face with my fingers and then tucked her hair behind her ear.

A Minor Technicality [Completed] *Slowly Editing*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu