Chapter eighteen.

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Someone barged through my door and I looked at my phone to see that it was nine O'clock on a Wednesday night. I scolded Liam for giving me a huge fright and disturbing me from reading a really good book. "What do you want, Liam?"

Liam was wearing casual clothes and his hair was done neatly as if he was going out somewhere and that made me suspicious. He smirked, leaning against my now open door. "You know it's Halloween on Friday, right?"

I nodded slowly, not sure what he was up to. "Yes, I do know that October thirty first is Halloween."

"Good," Liam said with a smile, "because we are going costume shopping right now."

I gave a heavy sigh. "Why, are we going trick or treating?" I teased, forgetting the real question that needed to be asked. "I think I'm a bit too old for that. But, you seem to be the right age, so go ahead."

Liam glared at me. "Funny," he said sarcastically, "now get your shoes on because we're going right this minute." I still didn't understand why Liam always liked to do crazy things at night. What was wrong with during the day or after school?

I shook my head in disbelief. "What are we going to use the costumes for?"

Liam gave me another smirk which floated around the room freely. "Well, there is a Halloween party at Cameron Jenson's house this Friday and we're going."

I raised my eyebrow at him, shocked and really surprised. "And you just decided this without asking me first?"

"Oh," Liam said, "Lou, do you want to go to a Halloween party with me?"

I flipped the page of my book and began reading again. "No, thanks. I'm good."

Liam groaned. "See? This is why I didn't want to ask you because you never try new things. So, I decided for you. You're going so get your butt out to my car or I will bug you for the rest of your stay here and as you probably already know, I'm annoying."

I chuckled, looking up at him. "You are annoying."

Liam rolled his eyes. "You don't have to agree with me."

I sighed, closed my book and placed my phone in my pocket. "Okay, I'll go to the party with you." I honestly didn't know why I agreed. Maybe because I didn't want Liam to annoy me even though he did it anyway. But, I've never really been to a high school party before and maybe this is the type of living Mason would want me to do.

"I knew you'd cave," Liam smirked while leaving my room, "let's go!" Reluctantly, I got off my bed, put my shoes on and followed Liam down the stairs and out the door to his car. Liam was already seated, looking comfy and I hoped I would feel the same.

"Would there be any costume stores open at the time of night?" I asked Liam, raising an eyebrow.

Liam started the engine and slowly backed out of the driveway. "Of course, Halloween is a pretty big deal in America." I nodded at Liam's response as I felt a yawn coming on.

We had been driving into town for ten minutes before Liam stopped right outside of a costume shop which was still open with only a few people inside. Liam and I both got out of the car and walked straight in and I was still surprised it was open at this time of night. Creepy Halloween costumes were surrounding the small store and I had never dressed up for Halloween before, so I had no idea what to expect.

I followed Liam into an aisle and he looked at the costumes that were hung up on display. "Wanna go as a sexy maid?" Liam chuckled.

I hit his arm forcefully. "Do you want me to go to this party or not? Because I would rather stay home and study."

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