Chapter twenty seven.

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"I'm scared." I admitted to Liam who was concentrating on the road as we were going someplace unknown. "What if I just suck at driving completely and I end up crashing your car and killing us both?"

Liam chuckled. "You won't," he said, "I will keep an eye on you." I rolled my eyes at his comment and stayed silent until we reached our destination. It was a large parking lot, just outside of town and no cars were in my sight.


Liam opened his car door, cutting me off and he swiftly got out. He poked his head through with a grin. "Come on, switch places with me." It took a moment for me to register what he said before I got out of the car and switched places with him. I sat behind the wheel and realised that I was too short to reach the pedals.

"I'm too short." I said.

Liam closed the door to the passenger side and relaxed in his chair. "Pull your seat forward until it feels comfortable. There is a handle underneath the seat, use that and push forward." I did as he said and pulled my seat forward until my feet touched the pedals. I took a breath, scared for what was to come. "On the left, is the brake and on the right is the accelerator. I'm guessing you know what they both do or do you want me to explain?"

I glared at him. "I haven't been living under rock."

Liam scoffed. "If you say so," he laughed, "anyways, put your seatbelt on and check your mirrors so you can see behind you." I did as he said and adjusted my mirrors until I could see the empty parking lot that was behind us. "You're doing great. Luckily, this car is an automatic, I hate manuals."

"They seem annoying to drive." I said.

He agreed. "They are. I tried to learn in one when I was starting out, but I gave up because I kept stalling."

"Do I turn the key now?" I asked, gulping in.

He nodded. "Yes, turn the key." I turned the key, afraid that the car would somehow roll and I wouldn't be able to stop it. "I'm guessing you know everything that's on the handbrake. D means drive, R means reverse and N means Neutral. When you put the car in drive, keep your foot on the brake otherwise it will roll. When you're ready to drive, release the brake and slowly put your foot on the accelerator. Not too hard otherwise the car will go faster than you want it."

I nodded and followed Liam's instructions. I put the car into drive and I slowly released the brake. I was beyond nervous with driving and a lot of negative thoughts crossed my mind as I moved my foot over to the accelerator. I pressed my foot down and the car jolted, scaring me and I instantly put my foot on the brake which made the car jolt once more and Liam and I jolted forward.

"Take a breath, Louisa." He said and it sent my nerves going even higher. I wasn't sure if it was because I was attempting to drive or because Liam said my full name. "Just slowly put your foot on the accelerator and take your time."

I nodded, took another breath and followed Liam's advice. I tried again and this time, I went slow. The car moved very slowly, not jolting or going really fast, it was slow and it was at my pace. "Oh my Gosh!" I exclaimed with joy. "I'm doing it!"

"See?" Liam smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

I shook my head as I kept my foot on the accelerator and drove slowly around the parking lot. "I could get used to this."

He laughed. "Just focus on the driving." For the next half hour, I drove around the parking lot. I even tried to park in a parking space which I failed at. But, I was learning and Liam was a surprisingly good teacher. "Want to drive home?"

I stopped the car and it jolted. "No, that's illegal. I don't have a learners permit and besides, it's my first day. Do you really think I would be good at driving on the road with other cars?"

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