(Part 4)

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*Your P.O.V.*

Its been six months since England captured Spain, you missed him more than anything. You were sitting at the bay window, looking up at the sky. Holding Toni's cross necklace, Lovino was in bed sleeping since it was 9:00 at night and his bed time is at 8 but you let him stay up for a bit before it was 9. Tears were falling from your face, this was the time you and Toni would cuddle up by the bay window, the last time you guys did, was also the night you two gave yourselves to each other. You've been getting a bit big, thats when you found out, you were pregnant with Toni's baby. You gently place a hand on your 6 month pregnant belly and began to cry, you wanted Toni here, you wanted him to hear the news that your were pregnant, but...he's not here. You shut your curtains after getting up and lay in your bed, you began to talk to your baby.

"Hey little one...i know it's gonna be hard without a daddy for now but....don't worry...h-he'll come back soon...i promise you...you won't grow up without a daddy..."

And with that i fell asleep.







*next day* *Spain's P.O.V.*

I wake up with a splash of freezing cold water, i look up and see England, with a evil smirk on his face. I growl and tired to stand but i'm chained to the wall. He chuckles

"I must say, your attempt on staying so strong for this long is amazing, who's it for? That weird girl at your house who tried killing me? Or for that stupid little boy who she pretected?"

I growl, i wanted to punch him for saying such things about them.

"Shut up! You know nothing about them! They are my family! They are all i have left to go back to! They are the reason why i am staying strong the way i am!"

He smirks and chuckles

"Well, i must say, the girl sure is a lovely girl. I wonder what will happen if i take her and make her mine, and make the boy a slave"

I broke the chains on my ankles and run to the bars


He chuckles and flicks my nose, cauaing me jump back and i cover my nose as it began to bleed. A huge smirk was forming on his face. 

"Looks like i will have to then"

He turns away and walks out, i fall to my knees and i began to cry, i wish i could protect them from harm like i promised them i would, but instead i put them in more danger. What am i gonna do now...?

*Your P.O.V.*

you wake up and you see Lovino was laying right beside you, you giggle and you gently pet his head, he smiles in his sleep and cuddles closer to you. He's really excited about having a baby brother or sister, ever since you told him he's been really protective and its so cute when he is like this. 

"time to wake up Lovino"

You say gently, he opens his eyes, yawns, and rubs his eyes. You chuckles lightly and you pet his head again. He smiles and hugs you happily, you hugs him back gently. Lovino has been there for you since Toni was captured, it makes you smile when he's around you, he always makes you smile, always have, always will. Him and Toni are your happiness and soon, the new addition will be part of it too.

"Lets get up and i'll make you something to eat Lovino, hows that sound?"

He smiles then jumped out of the bed giggling

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