(Part 6) (Final)

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*Your P.O.V.* *Half a month later*

Its been almost a month since you ran away from Arthur, you were weak but you kept Feli healthy and made sure he couldn't get sick in anyway possiable. You finally see land, your eyes tear up in joy. You got out of the boat, grabbed the boat, and began to walk to the land, making sure Feli was still in the basket and near you. 

*Person's P.O.V.*

I was working on catching fish when i see a woman with a boat coming close to land, I jump off the dock, running towards her. I got to her, she looked sick, i look in the boat and i saw a baby in a basket. 

"please....help me get home...."

She says weakly, i panic, so i put her in the boat, grabbing the rope she had, and i start taking the boat to the land. 

*Your P.O.V.*

As the man was helping me get to land, i hold Feli close to him, i wasn't in my best condition, and i getting weaker by the second. I look up at the sky that was getting to night, a light smile form on my face as i raise a hand as if i was touching the sky.

"I-I'm almost home Toni and Lovi....I'm almost home..."

And everything went dark










*next day*

'Who am i...? Where am i....?'

You asked yourself, everything was dark, you were floating in a way. 

"Hey world, am i dead?"

You didn't get an answer so you took that as a no, it was cold, it was hard to see where you were going. 

"(Y/n)? are you there?"

You look up and you her, the one who you lost when you were kids, Katrina.


"So you do remember me"

She smiles at you, since her death when you two were 6 you always blamed yourself for it


"Katrina! Wait up!"

Six year old you called out to you best friend, you stop running, panting heavy, trying to catch your little breath. Katrina just giggles and goes up to you.

"Sure thing (n/n)! Your to cute to leave behind"

You pouts and blush pink

"I'm not cute!"

(*Writing this while thinking of a cute chibi voice* .....*Blushes then dies*)

Katrina giggles again, grabs your hand, and you run with her.

"Katrina! I don't want to get all dirty! Mama would be mad if i come back dirty like last time!"

"It'll be okay (n/n), we're to cute to get hurt"

She giggles, letting go of your hand, looking both ways before crossing the road, then crosses. Suddenly a speeding car was driving down, what happened next was that there was a scream, that scream was coming from you, as you stood there, shaking, as you just say your best friend ran over by a drunk driver.

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