soskue x reader

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hey, guys sorry if i wrote the name wrong I'm just kinda tired. yesterday finishing one punch man finished like at two in the morning and actually went to sleep at four because i have problems but who cares about me this is for you beautiful people. so plz enjoy!

your pov

"can the remaining contestants come!" ok that's me! you walk to the edge of the pool. you look around and see the stadium filled with people. you were at finals for the world championships. you stretched then you looked at all the people that were cheering for you but you looked at one person soskue you looked up to him but when you heard that something had happened to his arm it encouraged you to finish what he couldn't "ready set go!" you hear a gun shot so you get into the water and start to swim . you're ahead of everyone you broke many records.

soskue's pov

she is amazing if only I could get closer to her. she has broken all the records i made she is truly something amazing. "hey rin what do you think of (Y/N)?" "she's ok i guess. but she would look better with shark teeth than sharp canine teeth." "no, I think she's perfect." "wait, bro. do you like her?" "um no i don't but isn't it normal for her to have some boy fans." "even if you were her friend she wouldn't fall for you even if you used to swim she would think you are a disgrace to swimming." "maybe your right maybe you're wrong."

your pov

ok just a bit more till i win this. you go even faster and get to where you started. and look at your time 8.5 seconds. yes new record! "we have a new record!" the second person to get there came in at 14.6. " hey (Y/N) nice where did you learn to swim like that?" "i don't know i was just motivated to swim and became like this." " so you didn't have a coach?!" "i mean if your dad doesn't count as a coach then yeah. but he only helped me till i was 10." "oh so the rest of the way was just you?" " yeah, but i'm moving back here because now my dad is a bit old and i haven't seen him in a while." "oh well can't to race you again." "thank you." "the winner for this year's world champion is (Y/N) (L/N)!" everyone in the stadium cheers for you. since you were the youngest one there breaking so may records.( just so you know you are the same age as soskue so watched him when you were smaller.) you walk over to where they were going to be asking you questions and see the collection of cakes and plushies and flowers. "(Y/N) what encouraged you to swim?" " well when i was 8 i saw this swimmer and when i heard something happened that encouraged me to swim." "are the rumors of you coming to live here in japan true?" "yes those rumors are true my dad and i came here when i was 4 and i left to swim when i was 14 and now that i'm 17  i chose to come back to help my dad even though i will be living somewhere else." "thank you. you hear that everyone who lives in japan (Y/N) the famous swimmer will be coming to japan." "and are you going to be going to a school?" "yes, but i am afraid i cannot say where because i want to focus on my studies my dad's health and swimming. but i will be open to talk to any fans because they're friends of mine." "thank you ok that's all the time she has to be with us now she has to leave." a little girl sneaks past security and tugs on your clothes. you look down and see the little girl. you bend down "why hello there little girl." "hi um here." she hands you a flower. "thank you." you hug her " you're a hero (Y/N)." when security notices her they start to walk toward her. and all the crowd is awwing you put your hand up "i don't think i'm a hero the real heroes are you and all the people who support me it has kept me going all this time." her eyes widened then you hear some people on the verge of tears. "now i want you to have this." you take off your necklace and hand it to her. " i want you to take care of this ok?" she nods now you hear people crying. "thank you!" she hugs you and runs back to her mom. "mommy look!" "wow! look at you getting that!" it made you happy to see other people happy. you say bye to the crowd and get into the lockers and change then grab your stuff and get into a car and get dropped off at samezeka. ok, so this is the school that now accepts girls. you walk to the office "hello." the person is looking at their newspaper and pays little attention to what you said, "uh huh what do you want." "um i was thinking i could have the key to my new room?" he looks up and gets surprised " oh i'm so so sorry i didn't mean to be like that towards you! here you go!" he smiles and you smile back "thank you but next time receive everyone with a smile and pay attention to them ok?" he nods and you walk to your new room and unlock the room and see the huge pile of plushies and flowers and cake that was at the stadium. ok, i'm going to have to get rid of those cakes somehow. then someone else comes into the room "wah who are you!" the person gets startled and falls back "oh i'm sorry to startle you but you're my new roommate." "wait are you soskue?" his eyes widened "are you (Y/N)?" "yes i'm (Y/N)." "and i'm soskue." you hug him "oh sorry i was just so excited to meet you!" "really but i thought you would hate me for quitting swimming." "why would i hate you your the one who encouraged me to swim!" his eyes widened. "me pssh yeah right.....really?" you nod and before he could say anything else you get a phone call "hello this (Y/N)" "miss (Y/N) your dad just collapsed and is in the hospital." "ok tell him i'll be there in a bit." "ok." "i'm sorry soskue but i''l have to go." "i'll come with you." you nod you get some flowers and start to run to the hospital with soskue behind you. you get into the hospital "excuse me I am here to see my dad." "oh yes, your here to see mr. (L/N) room 20." you say thank you and run over to room 20 and knock on the door. "come in." you walk in with soskue.  and put the flowers in the vase "dad are you ok?" "I don't think so the doctor told me I don't have much time." "Mr. (L/N) your (Y/N) father?" "yes, i am soskue." "dad, you knew soskue?" he nods "you know soskue when she was smaller she always said she wanted to marry you." soskue and your face get bright red. "and soskue would always come to my house to watch you swim on the t.v and would just go on and on about how beautiful you are. you look so much like your mother. soskue if you want to date or marry my daughter you have permission." "dad don't say something so embarrassing!" "hehe admit it (Y/N) and soskue you two love each other." you guys blush and look at each other you guys say I love you at the same time and get surprised. "I wish to see my grandchildren when you guys grow up but I'll have to see them from the stars with your mom." and that's the last thing he said before his soul went away. you get teary " I'll always love you dad." then you hug soskue "hey at least he got to see you one last time." "yeah, I hope he's with mom now." "yeah, and did you hear that? he said we have permission to be together." "yeah." the nurse put a blanket over your dad and took him away you guys got up and started to leave "I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together." "me too." and you guys walked away hugging each other thanking your dad for that.

authors note

Ummm, guys, I tried to make the death not so sad or funny but it came out terrible this is the most cringe worthy story I've ever made it was supposed to be different but it went some other direction. but please check out my other stories and I have to go.Hasta La Pasta!!!!!!!!

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