To Forget The Past: III

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"Everest, get your lazy butt up!" My dad's voice echoed through the house, causing me to groan loudly and flip over, pushing my face into the pillow. Silence filled the room. I sighed happily and shuffled closer to my bed.

"EVEREST!" I snapped my head up right before something jumped on my back. I swear I heard a crack sound.

   Groaning in pain, I flipped over to see my little sister sitting on top of my stomach smiling widely. "Daddy says you have to get up."

"Lilly, what did I say about waking me up?" I growled at her, knowing we've had this conversation hundreds of times; especially on Christmas and her birthday when she was eager to get to her presents.

She only shrugged, jumped off of my bed, and started running towards the door. Once I'm halfway off my bed I heard little footsteps running down the hallway, only getting closer. I looked at the door to see Lilly's head pop around it.

"Oh, I forgot to say that somebody's here. I think he said his name was Cane? Like...sugarcane?" My eyes widened as my four-year-old sister ran back downstairs. I quickly grabbed my phone and checked the time. 4:30pm. Shit.

Jumping off the bed I ran to my dresser, absentmindedly dragging out a random white t-shirt with a blue and white flannel. Opening another drawer, I pulled out denim ripped jeans. After changing I picked up white converse and threw them on. I brushed through my plum auburn hair, cringing when the brush got stuck a few times and pulled on the tangled curls.

  Walking down the stairs whispering the words to a song, I dozed off thinking about everything I was leaving behind for the next three months.

  "Everest?" I snapped my head up to lay my eyes on my dad placing a plate with a sandwich on the table. Where Lilly and Kane were currently sitting down at, Lilly eating her tater tots.


  "I asked if you wanted any food before you left." I shook my head, walking over to the table and held onto one of the chairs. My dad gestured over near the kitchen island, away from Kane. I shifted my weight and walked over to him, leaning on the counter.

  He brought his voice down to a whisper, "Evi," I mentally cringed from the nickname. "you never told me a boy was goin' with you." my mouth gaped open a little, not being able to collect words. "Now, if he's you're boyfr-"

  I glanced over to Kane, seeing him look down at his phone. "No, it's nothing like that dad. He's on my soccer team, you've seen him before in my games."

  He slowly nodded, "And why is he going with you?"

  Why was he going with me? I really didn't know, but I felt like I understood in some way.

  "I...look dad, Kane asked to come with me, he didn't feel like telling me why, and I respect that." I brought my attention back up to my father after minutes of staring at the kitchen floor. He nodded again and walked back to the table, sitting down across Kane, I followed in his footsteps.

  Sitting down next to my dad, I watched him stare intensely at Kane, judging him. "Do you have any interest in my daughter?" my dad asked bluntly.


  Lilly chuckled while Kane laughed slightly, looked up from his phone, turning it over and sliding it into the front of his pockets. "No, sir. She's too stubborn" His voice was in a joking tone, but I still scoffed and looked over to my dad who's eyes were lit with amusement.

  "She really is. Argues every time I disagree with her, even if I'm right." Kane and my dad laughed while I glared at the two and scoffed.

  "I am not!" I defended childishly. My dad only laughed again and shook his head, not saying anything.

To Forget The Past (Draft 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें