To Forget The Past: XVII

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  "I love ice cream, oh my god" Kane moaned in delight, spooning another bite.

   "Why don't you marry it then?" I asked chuckling, licking at my cone. Kane looked up at me, setting down his spoon, his eyes held an unknown spark to them.

  He then scooted off the parlor seat, leaving his bowl of ice cream on the very edge of the counter. Kane faced the table, knelt down on one knee and put out his hands acting as if he was holding a ring.

  My mouth fell aghast, I stared at Kane who looked lovingly at his bowl of ice cream. Heat crept up my cheeks as people stared confusingly at Kane.

  "I know I've only known you for five minutes," his face broke out into a small smile as he tried not to laugh. "But," he breathed in deeply, over exaggerating it. "Will you marry me?"

  I couldn't hold it in any longer as I let out a loud donkey laugh, dragging, even more, eyes from the people around us. While Kane got off the floor, kids around us laughed, parents stared weirdly at us with judging eyes, but all I could focus on was Kane.

My side began to burn from laughing so much, though I couldn't help it. Kane laughed along with me, but I knew he was laughing from my own laugh and not his joke.

"So, what'd the ice cream say?"

Kane smirked at me from across the table, his bowl sitting in front of him, "Yes, obviously. Have you seen me?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head gently as I took another bite of my ice cream, thinking about how weird Kane was, though I couldn't help the smile inching on my face.


  "So, you really think you could beat me in Call of Duty?" I scoffed playfully, looking down at Kane.

  "Easily" I said, smirking at him as we walked down a rocky pathway surrounded by dark, green grass.

  After Kane had proposed to his beloved ice cream, and I finished eating mine, we walked around the small town for a few hours, going in the shops just to look for a bit. We then ended up walking down to a large open park, a pond stretched out in the middle, pathways tangling along it.

  "Mmm," he put up a fake thinking look—I say fake 'cause he wasn't sticking his tongue out slightly when he actually thinks. "Nope, sorry, don't believe it."

  "Really?" I scrunched up my eyes a bit, confused on why he wouldn't. "Even though I've played COD since I was twelve?"

  "Yup. Sorry, I just know I'm better" I rolled my eyes and ran my shoulder into Kane's gently, pushing him off the pathway. He chuckled softly and pushed me back, taking his spot back on the rocky road.

  It was around four pm, the sun still sat in the sky, lowering itself slowly, though light still shone all around us. A few minutes of peaceful silence sat in the air, well silent between us. Off to the sides, kids played in the park by the pond, shouting at the swimming ducks and throwing in bread for them to eat, their parents smiling at them.

  "Still can't do a backflip?" I tilted my head to the side, looking down at Kane to my left confused on the random question.

  He sighed, rolling his eyes, "Remember? I asked if you could do a backflip? You said no."

  Biting my bottom lip I furrowed my eyebrows together, thinking back. Finally realizing what he was talking about I spoke, making Kane laugh, "Ohhh," I smiled, "Yeah, I remember. Sorry."

To Forget The Past (Draft 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora