To Forget The Past: XIII

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Sitting up in bed, I stared blankly at the photo of Aaron kissing my cheek as I laughed loudly from his tickling grip on my waist. A ghost of a smile hinting at my tired face.

I had been looking at photos of Aaron and me all night. Every picture bringing back painful memories. I didn't understand why I just didn't stop looking at them as if I thought I deserved the guilt.

"Hey, you want breakfast?" I briskly snapped my head up towards the door, flipping over my phone, and looked up to find Isaac leaning against the door frame.

I put on a weak smile, "Yes, please" Isaac nodded slightly, then turned and walked out of the room.

Kane and I currently stayed at Isaac's house, more near the nature part of the town. Not surprisingly, Isaac lived in a pretty large house; everything a dark theme: Dark wood, dark carpet, dark walls, etc.

Ever since I ran out of the diner crying, Kane's been pestering me about what happened, though I ignored all his questioning glances, hoping he'd forget about the whole thing. And Isaac. He didn't know a thing about it.

Sighing, I looked at another photo of Aaron. His blonde hair pushed back as his neck was tilted upward. His white teeth shone while he laughed loudly. I could remember the very sound of his contagious laugh ringing through the room.

Turning my phone off, I threw my legs above the dark Grey bedsheets, pushing my body off the mattress. The black carpet tickled my bare feet as I dragged them across the room out of the door, leading to the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, Kane looked up from his phone and smiled gently at me, a few empty rappers of Jolly Ranchers sitting beside him.

My phone suddenly went off, dragging my attention to the shivering iPhone showing a picture of my dad making a weird face into the camera.

"Hey, dad." I made my way to the counter, holding my phone between my jaw and shoulder, I pulled out a white plate. Isaac stood by the stove, cooking chocolate chip pancakes. Smiling, he put one on my plate, nodding his head towards the syrup and butter sitting on the island.

"Hey, sweetie" My smile vanished as an uneasiness flooded my mind. I lowered my plate on the table, ignoring it as I turned to look out the three large windows, looking out towards a flowery field.

"What's wrong?" I could feel the gaze of the boys behind me, though I ignored it, my breath picking up from the silence my dad made.

A soft breath came from the phone, "Liz didn't tell you?" I shook my head, ignoring the fact he couldn't actually see me. Moving my shaking body to the black leather couch, out looking the windows, I let my body topple on top of it.

"No." I breathed out slowly, barely being able to keep my breathing level. My mind was hit by a train as a hundred thoughts invaded my brain.

"Call her," I nodded shakily, "and Everest?"

"Yeah?" I croaked out, already wanting to rush to call Liz.

"Please don't think it's anyone's fault." His voice was quiet.

Before I could question him the line clicked off, leaving me holding an empty, voiceless phone up to my ear. My eyes glazed over, I stared deadly at the glass coffee table sitting in front of me.

The room was silent, and I couldn't be sure if Isaac and Kane left or just stayed quiet, but I couldn't manage to look up to answer that question.

Dragging my phone down, almost letting my arm fall effortlessly down to my lap. Through my hazy vision I clicked on Liz's contact; a photo of both her and me crossed eyed and tongues out, appeared on the screen.

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