To Forget The Past: VIII

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Brushing my teeth the taste of mint covered my mouth as I held up my phone to my ear, listening to it ring a second time. I set down my toothbrush, holding my hair back with my right hand while I spit in the sink, right before the phone stopped ringing.

"Everest..." The sound of the voice was low and upset.

I rolled my eyes, "Wow, such a pleasant greeting from my lovely father." I said sarcastically, washing the toothbrush with water and set it down on the bathroom counter.

"You didn't call like you said you would." I sighed, knowing I didn't.

"Okay, I'm sorry. The thought just slipped my mind." Shit, I also need to call Liz.

I heard my dad sigh, but soon after his voice was filled with happiness. "So, how is it so far? Has Kane confessed his undying love for you yet?" I rolled my eyes at my dad, I swear he can be such a teenager.

Walking out into the hotel room, I took notice of Kane facing his back towards me, pulling off his shirt. I pulled my eyes away when he glanced back at me questioningly. Making my way to my bed I threw my body on it, letting out a sigh.

"I'm just going to forget you said that...but, it's been great so far. No confessing each other's love." I heard my dad laugh through the phone as Kane looked at me confused, I just chuckled dismissing it.

"Sorry but I have to call Liz before she murders me." My dad only laughed. "Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie." I hung up, glad to hear the sound of my dad's voice, even though it wasn't for long.

Clicking on Liz's contact number the phone started ringing, immediately being answered. Kane was sitting on my bed beside me, his legs crossed. Before I could say anything Kane let out a fake moan, leaning closer to the phone's microphone as he moaned only louder. My eyes widened as I quickly started to speak before being cut off.

"Whoa, Everest, I knew Kane had a thing for you but I didn't think you'd actually-" I pushed Kane hard, causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud. He let out a screech as I cut off Liz. My cheeks on fire from this situation, though I couldn't help but to laugh, because of course I had to get myself into this situation.

"Shut up! We weren't doing anything, Kane here just decided to be an idiot." I looked down at Kane, who was still on the floor, smirking widely at me.

Liz laughed, "Sure, Everest. Whatever you say." I groaned loudly.

"I'm going to hang up-"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry!"

"Good" I muttered quietly, feeling Kane stare at me with his annoying smirk. I ignored the flush of red in my cheeks, glaring at Kane. "What did I say about suggestive comments-or sounds and actions!" I scolded Kane as if he were a child. He got up, the smirk on his face remained as he turned around, and started actually put on a shirt for once.

"Wow, somebody likes it bossy" I groaned, getting annoyed. It was way too early for this.

"That goes to you too, Liz!" She stopped laughing, as I lied down on my back, still holding the phone up to my ear. Silence passed before I finally spoke.

"How was the party?" My cheeks felt less hot from what Kane and Liz had both suggested, but thinking about it only made my face rise with heat again.

"Fine." Liz's voice was dead, showing no emotion. I sat up straight, pushing my back against the wall.

"What happened?" My breath was shaking, I knew something was wrong and my mind only concluded the worst. Seconds later Liz didn't speak, making me ask all the possibilities.

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